Well, I didn't go to town, but I think you know I was gonna say that anyway.

However, I did have an enjoyable night.

What? Neil had an enjoyable night? Never!

No really, I did. I mean ok, I didn't leave my room, but I did have fun talking to someone on Yahoo Messenger for about 4 or 5 hours. Someone who I might have talked to just once before. So that was good.

I fancy her. She lives in Florida. WHY DO I GO FOR 1000 MILES APART GIRLS. I seem to go for people who live in different countries rather than the same city. And you know the worst thing? The fact that she fancies me too. God I hate distance.

She has a webcam. I have a webcam. We did stuff for each other. I'm sure you can use your imagination :p.

I was really planning on going to bed around 4am, but I got talking to her and stayed up till 7am. Needless to say, she's been added to my contact list. Such a lovely person. So damn far away.

More news now and this is my 400th entry! 400 entries since I started last February.

You know the really sad thing though? My life is exactly the same as it was when I started writing this. I had 6 months of happiness this year, but that's gone now and my life really is the same as last year. I mean, just read an entry like this one.

*Champagne cork pops and echoes around the empty room*

