My plans of going to town were once again foiled today by my body.

Went to bed at 6 this morning or around about, but my stupid body woke me up at 10am, way too early. I tried to go asleep but couldn't so I got up for a bit till around 4 and then went back to bed. I slept till 9pm and now I'll probably be up till 4/6am again.

I'm stupid. Don't rub it in.

My mum is out and Laura is getting ready to go out too.

I feel like i'm missing out, but I know that I wouldn't like it. A case of the grass is greener perhaps?

I shall say it again, but who knows whethere it'll happen or not: I plan to go to town tomorrow. I have no real hope of doing so though.

All I seem to be doing lately is making websites. I'm in the process of making another Diaryland site, but not telling you what that is yet, because someone might rob the idea on me. It's nothing spectacular, but it is something that will prove useful to many Diarylander's. Stay tuned.

