Girls are like buses
...they all come along at the same time.

It's quite weird how many girls I've suddenly got a chance of meeting up with. Currently, there's Danni, who I've already talked about and then on top of that, there are 5 more. I don't think I've ever had this many.

I've met them all via OKCupid. I really like that site for meeting people. I've not had much luck in terms of actually meeting in person, but I've certainly met a lot of people on MSN because of it. One in particular, Hannah, actually messaged me first. I was browsing her profile and she seemed nice and quite attractive but unfortunately, her profile said she was seeing someone. I don't message girls who are seeing someone simply because I know there's no chance of me seeing them. I wanted to message her, but didn't. However, about 25 mintues later, I recieved a message saying "Thank you for stalking me". For those that don't know, OKCupid allows you to see who viewed your profile recently.

I wrote back saying that I had wanted to message her, but didn't because she wasn't single but that I'd like to talk to her anyway, since she took the time to message me. We got talking on MSN and she made it clear straight away that actually, she was indeed single and her status was set to "Seeing someone" simply to ward off lots of guys. I was quite happy.

For the rest of the night we talked and flirted and it became clear that we both had the same idea of wanting to spend the night together. She actually seemed even more blunt than me about in in a way. In short, she said she is available in about three weeks time so who knows.

Secondly and perhaps not really a possibility is a girl named Yana. She is gorgeous. But she's the kind of gorgeous that is out of my league. She's originally from Estonia, but living in Scotland currently. It was a very different conversation with her compared to the first girl. With Jana, it was very well, normal, I suppose. That's not a bad thing either. She was talkative and seemed interested in me. The next day, I saw her on webcam too and she is beautiful. She was on her way to a party so she was in the middle of getting dressed and she looked amazing all dressed up. Through our conversations, she suggested that we meet up. Not me, her. I would love to meet her. The only problem is that she is nearly 6 hours away on a train. That's a hell of a train ride for something unknown.

Thirdly is a girl called Catrin. She's a Londoner currently living in Wales. She's funny, intelligent and is the type of person who I find it incredibly easy to hold a conversation with, regardless of what it's about. After a few hours, it became clear that she was interested in me and that meeting up was a possibility, but she kind of let it slip that she was also interested in someone else and that she wanted to meet them first to see how things went. Perhaps one of the worst things you can do with someone you're interested in is tell them about someone else you're interested in. It's a turn off. Still, what was done was done and I said ok. I'm still hopeful that maybe she'd like to meet up some time soon.

Fourthly is Julia, who's from London. I've been talking to Julia on and off since about September. She's quite nice, although she gives off very confusing signals. She'll tell me that she likes me, but on other occasions seems totally uninterested. She's also said that right now, she's not looking to meet anyone, but maybe in a month or two she may be. Maybe.

Fifthly is someone who I begun talking to before Summer. Her name is Kaitlyn. I eventually deleted her a few months ago after conversation diminished and she seemed less and less interested in talking to me. When someone doesn't talk, you lose the will to talk to them. However, since then, she's been messaging me now and then and I've remained pretty uninterested in talking to her because of her lack of interest in actually replying to anything I say. This time though seemed different. She was much more responsive and interested in me, asking if I still wanted to meet up and that she was really ready to now. She said she was serious this time. That she had missed talking to me. That she wanted to have things the way they were again. I'm more than willing to try. Whether it will actually turn into a reality is another thing, though. I'll see where it goes.

I haven't met Danni again yet since our first meeting, but she says that she wants to. She seems quite interested in me and I'm quite interested in her. I asked if she'd like to meet on Sunday and she said yes. So hopefully that will happen. It's nice having someone to hug and kiss.

All the girls I've mentioned make me feel like maybe I'm not such an ugly/crap guy afterall. I know that there's a good chance I won't actually meet most of them, but even one - like Danni - makes me feel like there's something worth being happy about. Something worth looking forward to. It's a nice feeling.

I was going to go back to Chester today, but there are big problems with my PC. Tony has been here from 10pm until roughly 12:30am trying to sort it but to no avail. He said he'll come back and have another look at it tomorrow, so that means I have to stick around. It doesn't matter too much, I suppose, it's just that I've done zero work since I got back home and I desperately need to. The sooner my PC is fixed, the better.
