It's all good
Man, I'm overdue for an entry aren't I?

Surprisingly, this entry will mostly be filled with good news. I haven't had one of those kind of entries for a while!

My last entry was about me trying desperately to cram all of my work into the tiny amount of time I had left to do it. Amazingly, I managed to get it all done and to a fairly high standard. In other words, I don't feel the work actually suffered as a result of me doing it all in such a short period of time.

I'm both amazed and impressed with myself about one particular project. It was a three month module where I had to design four postcards. I pretty much forgot about it up until the last moment. Infact, I procrastinated about all of my work. I actually had less than seven days to complete all of my work.

I ended up writing out a postit note with my frantic and packed schedule for the next few days. Two days for one project, two days for another. But it was the postcard project that I was really impressed with. I had done ZERO work for it. At all. And yet, from Friday until Sunday, I managed to create more work for the project than some of my other briefs and more work than many other people had created for it. I worked from around 6pm until 3am for three days to get it done and it worked. I also managed to get all of my other work done in time too although it was close. Very close.

I'm never doing it again.

I submitted the majority of my work on Wednesday last week although for a few scary moments, it was looking like I would automatically fail. My postcards and my calendars had to be one PDF document and I had put them into two. After waiting in a line of 50 people to upload my work onto a computer, Kevin told me he needed the work in one PDF document and that I'd have until everyone else had submitted their work to fix it. Panic ensued.

For the next ten minutes or so, I tried frantically to make the postcards and calendars into one PDF document and it was not going well. In fact, by the time I DID finally manage to create a new PDF document, one of the calendars had not saved properly and I had to submit it anyway. I'm just hoping that it'll be ok and that I pass. I'll be so disappointed if I don't pass. If I don't, it means I'll have to retake the module in the Summer.

After two hours or so of feeling both annoyed and worrying, I finally left D-Prod feeling a little relieved, although I won't feel fully relieved until I know I've passed.

Later that evening, it was time to relax and have some fun. It was time to go out and party. Pretty much everyone was going out. With no work left to do, there was much cause for celebration!

Tom said he'd text me once he was out but by 8:30pm, I was itching to leave my room so I decided to go out on my own anyway and wait for him to call me. I ended up going to a bar called Loaf on my own. Since it was still quite early, it was completely empty except for one group of people who looked as if they were celebrating someone's birthday. I got myself a drink and went to sit down. At that point, I realised to myself that I so need more friends. If I'm waiting on a single person to allow me to socialise, then something is wrong.

I stayed in Loaf until about 9:30pm and after having two drinks, decided to head to the pub where Tom said he'd be meeting me, although he had yet to text me.

In there, it was pretty full. I managed to get to the bar and get myself a third drink before somehow trying to look cool and stand about on my own. I'm sure it wasn't working, but I didn't really care for once.

I spotted Az and said hi to him. I wouldn't call Az anything more than an acquaintence I've talked to a few times just now, but I knew that the more I talk to people outside of the classroom, the better. The more chance there is of them going from acquaintence to friend.

So, I said hi and we talked for a few minutes. I explained that I was waiting for Tom to arrive and he invited me over to where the rest of his mates were sitting and I sat with them for a bit. He bought us both some shots, although I didn't realise he was buying them for the two of us so I asked the barman to make it three. He had one shot, I had two.

Tom finally text me after a while and I managed to find him. He was already a little drunk and came away from the bar to give me a hug. "Alright mate!", he said.

By now, after three or four drinks and two shots, I was a little tipsy so while he went back to the bar, I just kind of stood about, dancing away on my own. I'm sure I looked like an idiot. I didn't care.

While dancing away, two of Tom's mates told me to get into a photo with them so I did and then two minutes later, two random girls asked me to do the same thing. I'm sure they were just asking me because of my terrible awesome dancing and wanted to laugh at the picture later.

Tom took a while getting drinks, but after he did, we talked for a bit and he introduced me once more to his friends and then to some people from me class who I've yet to talk to properly.

I also got my arse felt. Twice! I've no idea by who, but it was definitely a squeeze. I stopped for a brief second without turning around just to make sure I didn't imagine it and then turned around, but there was no one there. I was quite happy though!

Me, Tom and one of his mates got up on stage and danced to the Baywatch theme...of all things to dance to, we danced to the Baywatch theme. I feel dirty. We also danced to Cotton Eyed Joe.

Me and Tom got some shots after that and then a little while later, we headed to Brannigans. By now, I was drunk.

I had unfortunately forgotten my token that I had bought earlier in the day to get into Brannigans, which means I had to pay �4 on top of the �2.50 I had paid for the token but I didn't mind. Once inside, I got a drink and then me, Tom and his mates along with other familiar faces all danced on the dancefloor.

Charlotte was out too, unsurprisingly. Charlotte is out lots and is always pissed. She's a girl on my course, though I've yet to talk to her much because she's not in my group. But, again, she was very pissed and she spotted me and came over to give me a hug. I gave her one, but she fell backwards and ended up on her arse with me falling on top of her! Smooth.

I got seperated from everyone after a while but I carried on having fun on my own. At 2:30am though, I was feeling pretty damn pissed and I left the dance area of the club to try and sober up slightly. I propped myself up against a wall and just kind of stared at nothing. I did see Alicia though after about ten minutes, although since I couldn't really see straight, I didn't want to go over and talk to her in case it wasn't her. However, she saw me and came over and gave me a hug before leaving with her boyfriend. I decided my night was over shortly after and headed home, stumbling along the way.

Great night. That night and my last night out have encouraged me to go out more and regardless of whether I have anyone to meet up with.

The next day, I awoke at 9am, my head still swirling from the night before. I had to go to Uni before 2pm to submit my final piece of work. I only managed to stay awake until 10am and then collapsed on the bed again and fell asleep until 12:30pm and then rushing about to get a shower, finalise my work and get to Uni at the pace of an old man. I felt awful and a bit sick. Still, I managed to get there and submit my work at the last minute.

While submitting it, Tom and a few of the guys from my class were there. I said hi to them.

"He was out of his mind last night", one of them said to the other, referring to me. I smiled and nodded.
"Oh yes"

After submitting my work, I headed back to my room and by now, had managed to sober up.

At about 5pm or so, I text Emilie, the girl who had offered me the room in the house. I told her I was definitely still interested in the house and that I'd like to come see it. However, she didn't text me back so I left it for the night.

The next day, I text her again, but I got nothing. It was at that point that I thought maybe her phone was switched off or something and my chance at a nice place had gone. Instead, I informed my Mum that I'd need picking up at the weekend to return home for the next two weeks.

However, on Saturday, I recieved a call from her.

"Hello, is that Neil?"
"Yeah, hey"
"Hey, it's Emilie, I'm sorry I haven't answered your texts, my phone has been dead!"
"Ah that's ok"
"So, are you still interested in the room then?"
"Yeah definitely"
"Well do you want to come and see it tomorrow maybe? About 5?"
"Yeah, that sounds great"

And so basically that meant that I couldn't come home but I wasn't too bothered. My Mum said that if I couldn't come home on Sunday that it would have to be 8:30am on Monday, but that was ok with me.

Sunday came and unfortunately, I recieved another call from Emilie at 2:30pm while I was still in bed.

"Hi Neil, I'm really sorry but I can't meet you later"
"Oh ok?"
"I have to work late and cover someone's shift. Would tomorrow be ok instead?"
"Yeah that's fine, no problem"

And so we arranged a new time to meet the following day, even though I knew I'd already arranged to be picked up at 8:30am. I called my Mum back and spoke to Gary and it was rearranged that I'd get picked up that day instead, in a few hours. So, I had to rush around and get ready to go back to Liverpool and then I'd have to come all the way back to Chester the following day.

At about 5pm, I was picked up by my Mum and Gary. Luckily, since I didn't have any work to do, I only had a suitcase, monitor and hard drive to carry down to the car. From there, we went to go have a meal in a pub.

While eating, my Mum informed me that Laura is moving back in. She said it's because she can't afford the rent at her place. It doesn't really affect me too much I suppose, since I'll be living in Chester most of the time, although it will once I move back for the Summer.

"And she says she wants to meet you", Gary said.
"What about?", I asked.
"Dunno, I think it it's to reconcile"
"Yeah", my Mum said in agreement.

I doubt it. Unless she's changed into a completely different person, I bet it's just to either tell me something or she wants something from me. I'm quite happy to put aside any differences she has had with me, but I really doubt that's why she wants to see me. It'd be nice though if she's changed. I also realised that it's been just under a year since I last seen her. I last saw her in March last year. Long time to not see your Sister when it's not like she's living miles away.

After the meal, we came home and the rest of the night was spent online.

The next day, I awoke at 3:40pm and rushed around getting ready to go to Chester to meet Emilie at 6:30pm. I was up, showered and out of the door by 4:30pm.

The trip to Chester on the train is an hour and fifteen minutes and it's pretty boring when you have nothing to do. I was also very hungry and had not had a chance to even brush my teeth after not bringing a toothbrush with me. So, once at Chester, I decided to buy a sandwich from the station, get a cab to my room to brush my teeth and then I got a cab from my room to the Uni. I got there with ten minutes to spare. I'm good at timekeeping, albeit always with a close shave.

"That'll be �3.50 please", the driver of the cab said when I arrived at Uni.
"It's not usually that much you know?", I told him. "Usually it's �3"

His tone of voice was one of arrogance and annoyance.

"It's 1.7 miles from the office to the Uni. 1.7 miles is �3.50 and it's just gone onto �3.70 but I'll take �3.50", he said.
"...Ok", I said, annoyed.

But it really is usually �3. At the very most, it's �3.20. I don't understand why he wanted to charge me �3.50 when everyone else charges me �3 from exactly the same place.

Once out of the cab, I waited for Emilie. She got there late, about 6:40pm but then I've come to accept that it's a woman's perogative to be late for things!

I said hi to her and she asked if I'd been waiting long but I said no. I wasn't about to tell her I'd been waiting for twenty minutes in the cold. Not the best way to start our new potential housemate relationship!

We talked and walked to her house. She told me that everyone living there is a second year except for one who is retaking her first year. She told me their names, but I've forgotten. I told her about where I live and Ahmit's love of cornflakes and chips. She looked just as bemused as I did.

Once at the house, I was shown into the living room, where two of the other girls where. I was nervous. I felt like I was meeting the parents or something haha. I said hi to them both and Emilie introduced everyone before showing me about the house and where my room would be. It was actually fairly big. Well, compared to my current accommodation anyway, but that's not saying much because I'm sure half of your bathrooms are bigger than my room.

Double bed, computer desk, wardrobe. Double bed! I like. I've never had a double bed before.

After she had shown me everywhere, we went to sit in the living room and talked about things like how much and if I wanted to accept it. And I definitely did want to accept it so she was happy and so was I! I'd just found my new housemates for next year.

Of course for all good things, there are always catches and here, the catch was that I would have to pay a �150 retainer. This money is not a deposit, nor does it go towards the first month's rent. It is essentially for nothing. Landlords say that it is used to "secure" the place, but if you're signing a contract then that in itself secures the place. No extra payment is neccessary. However, as Emilie pointed out, even though it's �150 for nothing, I'll get to keep my stuff there over Summer and besides, I'll have four nice housemates to live with. I think it might be worth the �150 though I berate paying it.

Emilie said she'd get in touch with me within the next week after speaking to her landlord and with that I headed back to Liverpool. I said goodbye to the four of them and then walked back to the station happy in the knowledge I'd just found a nice place to live with friendly people. And, it's less than ten mintues away from University, though that doesn't matter anyway, since my course is moving next year. But still, nice house, nice people. Nice!

I left Liverpool at 4:30pm and didn't get back until just after 9pm and then I told my Mum what it was like and stuff. She was happy that I'd found somewhere better than where I'm currently living.

The rest of the night was spent talking to...Oh wait, I haven't told you about her.

The rest of the night was spent talking to Laura, a girl from Edinburgh who had messaged me on Facebox and then we got talking on MSN about ten days ago. It was the generic stuff for the first twenty minutes or so, but then I said I was in need of a massage and she said she'd love to give me on. I asked if she was being serious and she said yes.

So, from there, we basically started telling each other that we fancied each other and that I'd like to meet her. I told her that I'd come up and see her while I'm off Uni. And I plan to. I plan to next Wednesday and, for two nights.

She's my type of girl. Very kinky, very open minded. Everything I like, she does. It's going to be great. Two nights of passionate kinky sex. The way I see it, I'm single, I have a little bit of money and some free time so why the hell not go have some fun?

And then today, as perhaps a little bit of icing on the cake, I have managed to find myself a date for Saturday too! Her name is Caitlin. We're going to go watch The Pursuit of Happyness together. We'll see what happens!

So, as you can see, this entry is pretty much all positive. I managed to:

All this within 14 days. I'd call that a great two weeks.
