Every little helps
(Originally written 12th October 1:09am)

My "Introduction to graphic design" lessons have been very fun over the last two weeks. Last week, it was all about drawing crap things with our bad hand. This week, it was about cutting things up, sticking them down, making 3D letters out of polystyrene and making letters to stamp onto paper. It was messy and productive. I also got even more homework to produce for next week; Produce a visual map of a favourite place and map your journey to/from it.

My lesson after that is also called Introduction to Graphic Design. However, this lesson is about using the computer to do things like scan our finished work from the lesson before. Most of my time was spent not doing much, just talking to Tom and Alicya.

Alicya is nice. She loves being creative, has glasses and ginger hair. In other words, I think she is hot.

What I've noticed this week is that unlike last week, conversation seemed to flow easier between me, Tom and Alicya. The class is divided up into groups and us three are one of them. The three of us seemed to be more relaxed with each other. I'm hoping that this continues and that I also learn the names of the other 20 or so people in the class. I only know about five altogether.

After my lessons, I had some lunch with Tom and then we played pool. 3-1 to him. This makes the running total 11-4 to him. Either I'm really crap or he's really good. I think it's that I'm really crap. I need lots more practice.

Just as we were finishing up the last of the four games, Cat called me and asked if she could come and use my washing machine because their was a queue at the laundret on campus. I said sure and after me and Tom had finished up, I went to go meet her and Kerry.

Cat had a large binbag full of her clothes. She said she had not washed any of them yet since being here. I'm not quite sure why not, but regardless, we got a cab back to mine and she used my washing machine.

It was weird but nice having them here. It's not exactly the Ritz Hotel so I was a bit ashamed of bringing them back here, but having them here just made living here a little easier. It was nice to be able to have a conversation with a few friends.

She did two loads of washing as we chatted and then they were going out to RB's. They invited me, but I said I didn't really fancy going. After that, I walked them back to the road and they got a cab back to the Uni and Cat said thanks for letting her use the machine.

Just before they left in the cab, they saw the band walking down the street that they had seen in RB's last week. They said they weren't keen on the music but that they thought the band members were all nice looking. The band members all looked pretentiously emo.

Somehow, I don't think I have any chance at all at ever being fancied by Cat if that's her taste. I'm sure that as the weeks go on, my attraction to her will fade anyway and I'll just see her as a friend. It's better that way I guess, but it does make me feel a bit, well, unattractive I guess when they point out guys to each other because I know neither of them think I am.

I decided to go and explore Tesco once I'd said goodbye to them. I spent �20 in there and got lots of stuff which I was happy about, unlike Somerfield where I'd have to spend around �25-�30 to get the same stuff.

I spent about 30-45 minutes in there in total. I explored every single aisle, just having a look at what was on offer, should I ever need something in specific next time. Usually, I'm very direct in my shopping; I know what I want and I don't care about anything else, but Tesco is much bigger than the supermarkets I'm used to shopping at in Liverpool. It's not absolutely huge, but it's definitely larger than most. I like it in there.

I came home, put my shopping away and then I decided to sleep for a few hours because my head was hurting. I woke up about 9:30pm and went for something to eat in the kitchen. My head was still really hurting so once Gulu and Ahmed started talking quite loudly to each other (I don't think they even notice they're loud), I went back up to my room. I had intended to create four more magazine covers, but I just haven't been in the mood to do so. Thankfully, if I create four for the next four days, I'll create 16, plus 11 I already have. More than enough and still ahead of schedule.

Tomorrow is my "History of Design" lecture but no one knows if it's actually on or off. We were told to turn up to it regardless though and find out so I will.

This week has gone over much quicker than last week. I think it's because I have more stuff to do. I'm glad of it. Still, I miss the Internet.

It's weird how much this place feels like home already even though the accommodation itself is horrible. I mean, it feels nice knowing that if I turn corner x, I will end up on street y and if I go down street y I will end up at shop z. And so forth. Being a little more confident about where I'm living makes me enjoy living in Chester more.

One thing that's worth noting is that currently, I do not have Hannah's number anymore. I took it out of my phone two weeks ago and have yet to readd it. She's texted me in that time and I've talked ot her, but I've forgotten to keep a note of her number. It's her birthday next Wednesday and I'd like to at least text her and wish her a good one. I'll wait a few more days before sending her an email from the library to ask for her number again.

Not having her number is good though. It means that regardless of whether I'm tempted to text her or not, I can't. It means the emphasis is all on her to get in contact with me instead and that's definitely a good thing.
