A slow start
(Originally written 10th October @ 11:05pm)

It's been a day of missing home today. Well, not home, but rather my friends and even college.

I haven't really made any friends on my course other than Tom. It's hard to define what a friend is I suppose but for me, it's someone you see outside of the classroom and someone who can you talk to about more than just work. Tom falls into that group but only just.

Everyone else on my course I have yet to really socialise with. I know a few people's names and I've talked to them about the generic stuff (Where are you from? Are you living on campus? etc) but no real conversations. It makes me further feel alone. I have to keep remembering that it's only two weeks into the course and hopefully by week 10, 20 and 30, I'll have made more friends.

Just before I went to my class today, I stopped by the accommodation office and talked to the woman in there who had talked to Gary last night. I told her I wanted to move and she gave me a form to fill in. I knew she would. I think my Mum was thinking that something more would be done but the fact is I already knew there was at least a two month waiting list for people wanting to move and I'm certainly nowhere near the top, regardless of my current accommodation.

However, she said that what she could do was email a girl named Hannah and tell her to tell the Irish guy and the girl living next door that I'm living next door to them and if they want, just come and knock and say hi. I'm assuming Hannah is one of the house managers.

It's a bit sad really, isn't it? Having to send an email because I'm too scared to just knock next door and introduce myself. But, I don't really know how to. It's different if you see them walking in/out of the house because then you can say hello in passing and maybe introduce yourself that way, but knocking is another thing.

After that I went to class and got given a brief for the next few weeks. It's to design a mask that reflects my alter ego. It sounds interesting. I think I might do a joker/jester/harlequin.

Most of the lesson was spent researching and then I came home.

On the way, I realised that I had forgotten to buy paints for tomorrow's class. It was already 4:30pm and it takes 20 minutes to get home if I walk fast. I tried my best to do just that but once again, my calves started burning so damn much. It's horrible. I know it's my fault for not excersizing over the years and I know the only way to improve is to keep doing it even though it hurts a lot.

I had to rest, however after beginning to limp after 15 minutes of walking. Just for a few minutes while the pain faded slightly and then I resumed walking. By the time I got into the shopping centre, it was 5:05pm and I was worried the shop I was going to would be shut. Thankfully, it wasn't, but they didn't sell paints. He pointed me in the direction of another shop and though my legs were ready for giving in, I walked as best as I could to where he said. I didn't find the shop, however so I then had to search somewhere else.

Finally, after 20 minutes of frantic searching before the shops closed, I managed to find an art shop and pick up a set of watercolour paints. I hope they're the ones he wants us to use because they cost me �20 and I bet I will never use them after tomorrow.

I returned home and rested in the kitchen for about half an hour. I could hear the rats outside squealing. It's so fucking horrible and tomorrow, I'm going to the cleaning/pest control office to complain about it again.

The rest of the night has been spent designing a further six magazine covers. To stay on schedule of producing 20 by Monday, I have to create 3 per night. By creating six, I've given myself less to do over the next few days and it also means I can focus on the other modules.

The University advises that students should work for 40 hours per week and I believe that if I did/do this, I will suceed in producing what's needed. However, I'm not sure if I can do that every day non stop for the whole week, especially when I'm so tired sometimes after staring at the Macs for so long. We'll see how it goes.

Tomorrow is my "Introduction to Graphic Design" class where I will be painting...something. I'm guessing it'll be the leaf we picked last week which I had to keep and observe how it deteriorates. It should be easy enough and fun.

I think now that I have some work to be getting on with, my weekends won't be as boring. I don't want to work non stop, though; I want the Internet. I want to talk to my friends online again. I want to keep up to date with all of the news I've been missing out on. I logged onto my favourite technology website today in the computer room to find that Google has bought YouTube for $1.6 Billion. That's the kind of news I don't like to miss!

I'm starting to consider signing up for the package that I found a few weeks ago. In total, it would cost me �360 for the card, card adapter and monthly bill for 12 months, but it might be worth it if I'm going to be stuck here for the next few months. I'm hoping that maybe my Mum might help me out with it, though. I hope so. The only problem is that while it would be very useful over the next two or three months, I may well be living on/closer to campus by next year and therefore I wouldn't need to pay for Internet access because I'd have it free. Is paying out �20 a month for 12 months worth it if I may only use the account for 4? 4 months = �80. That would mean I'd be throwing away �160.

On paper, it looks like an easy decision: It's not worth it. But, when you're stuck in a place where the only people to talk to are two 30 year olds from India who don't even have any of the same interests as me, you can see why I'm still considering getting it even if I lose �160. It's a tough decision.
