Productivity up
(Originally written 10th October @ 11:04am)

The day feels so much better when I have classes to attend to.

Yesterday, I went for my "Type as Expression" lesson which was fun. Just before I left the house though, I noticed that the binmen had taken some of the rubbish. I'm glad. However, there is now new rubbish where the old rubbish used to be from the house next door and lots of it. I'm guessing they probably kept it inside for fear of the rats. Hopefully by next week, it will all have gone.

The first half of my lesson was about analysing different covers that the second year students had made last year. We had to critique them and say what we liked/didn't like about them. This part was boring.

The second part though, was all about cutting things up and sticking them down to create our own covers. That bit was much more fun. As I said to Tom, we probably have more fun than any other course at University. On what other course do you get a degree for ripping paper up, scribbling and getting glue all over your fingers!

The lesson lasted three hours in total and it seemed to go over quite quickly. We were supposed to make five covers in total, but I only managed to get two and a half done. By next week, I have to have a total of 15!

After the lesson, I asked Tom if he was up for a game of pool and he said he was. He beat me 3-1 though! I'm very crap it seems. The current score between him and me is 8-3. I have a long way to go before I catch up to him.

Once home, I ate. Gulu was sitting in the kitchen with me but we didn't talk much. It's not that I dislike him, just that I don't really have much to say to him. For the hour or so I was in the kitchen with him, we hardly spoke.

My Mum called me around 8pm. She said Gary had called the accommodation office. She said they had told him that it is not illegal for this place not to have a living room. I didn't think so. Obviously if it's been around for over ten years, then someone would have picked that up by now.

She also said that he had told them I had suffered from depression in the past and that living in this room was a sure way to bring it back on. I was a little annoyed that he had told them this because I consider my depression to be in the past and it's not something that I feel affects me enough to let anyone know I've had it. However, after telling the office this, they said that if I had put that I had had depression in the past, then I would have most likely been given a place on campus.

My Mum said to go into the office myself and have a talk with them about what they can do to get me out of here so in an hour or two, I may do. It's gotta be better than living here. It does mean however, that I'm going to have to move all of my stuff again up x amount of stairs and that's not something I'm looking forward to.

I started creating more covers around 8:30pm and by midnight, I had finished my required five for the day. Though I have to create a further 10 by next week, I'm aiming for a total of 20 so that I have a little bit of slack. That means I have to create 3 per day. Each one takes around an hour to complete.

Today I have my third "Introduction to digital technology" lesson. I'm guessing it'll be boring. It's just going to be about the basics of Photoshop and Illustrator again. Still, if it gets me out of this place, then I'm all for it.
