Let fresher's week commence
(Originally written 26th September @ 10:18pm)

Monday was all about finance and registration and it was to start at 12pm. The registration was split up into different surname categories. Those with A-E as their surname initial would go at 9:30am and so forth. Luckily, Kerry's surname was in the same group as mine which meant that I ended up going with her to register.

Before I went to University, however, I headed into town and bought some shopping. Everything is so much more expensive here than it is at home. I'm going to have to find the cheaper places.

By the time I got back, I think it was around 10:30am or something and at the time, I wasn't sure whether my time to register was at 11am or 12pm and I didn't think I'd be able to get there in time if I walked so I decided to get a cab. As I said in my previous entry, the cab's office is right underneath where I live which means I will no doubt be using them often!

I got to Uni and met Kerri. It feels so nice that I at least know one person who I can talk to. We then went to registration together and sorted out all the finance stuff. The queue was huge and it took about 30-45 minutes to get to the front of it.

After registration, we went into seperate groups and one of the helpers showed us all how to use IBIS, which is the University's intranet system. After that, there was a talk about how to use the library and once that had finished, I found Kerri and Cat outside along with another person. I said hi to them both and the new person. The great thing about knowing both Kerri and Cat is that they seem to accquire friends very easily and through them, I seem to be meeting more people than if I was on my own.

We went back to Kerri's room and sat about for a little while. I said I'd be back in a few minutes and decided to go and pick up my student union card which lets you into the bar. I also picked up a new copy of my induction booklet which I had lost and then returned to Kerri's room.

After a while, we then went to Cat's room and sat about in there for a little while. She left her door open so that if anyone walked by, they could say hi. I don't have that luxury, unfortunately. Plenty of people did walk past and say hello to her, though.

I feel quite comfortable talking to them both. It's strange. I've only known them a few days, but I feel like I can perhaps be myself with them like I can with my friends in Liverpool. It's weird.

After we'd spent ages at Cat's hall talking to each other and to other people, we then met up with the guy from the bar the night before and the girl who I had met a little earlier. The plan was to walk into town together however that soon went very wrong as we took a rather lot of wrong turns and eventually, we just ended up in a pub!

After having a drink, we noticed that they also served food and since no one had eaten yet, decided that we'd all have a meal there. It was quite nice. It felt like the beginnings of a small group of friends. It'll take a while, but hopefully it'll get there.

By the time we finished our meal, I think it was about 5:30pm but we didn't move from that spot until around 7pm because everyone was far too tired and full. When we finally did move, me, Kerri and Cat went back to Cat's for a bit until about 8pm and then they decided they were going to go out. I said I didn't really want to and that I was going to go home. They think I'm no fun. In a joking way, though, which is ok. They tease me about being a mature student. I don't mind.

I gave Cat a hug and then walked Kerri home and gave her a hug too before returning 'home' myself. Of course by the time I got home, my feet were once more absolutely killing me.

I spent the rest of the night typing up the previous entry and then went to bed around 12:30am ready for the next day which was to start at 9:30am and would be the first time I'd be introduced to the tutors and the students who I'd be working with.

I'll save that for the next entry.
