Introductions galore
(Originally written 27th September @ 7:20pm)

Tuesday was my first oppurtunity to see who would be on my course and indeed on other artistic courses as well.

After arriving there slightly late, I took a seat in a room filled with lots of other students and the head of the art department welcomed us all to the University and to our respective courses. Both he, the other tutors and the tutors I'd be having seemed so friendly. Everyone seems friendly here. Maybe it's just because it's the first week and they're trying to lull everyone into a false sense of security, but everyone and everything has been really nice so far.

After the welcome talk which lasted around 30 minutes or so, the graphic designers got lead upstairs to the D-Prod (Design Production) room. Apparantly there were only meant to be 30 people, but there were at least 50 in the room.

My course tutor's name is Debra. She introduced herself and talked a little about her background and about what graphic design will be about. There is also another tutor, Kevin who teaches graphic design. He introduced himself as well.

After the introductions, Debra said that they had a small project planned for the next 90 minutes or so and that was to build a free-standing model of the word 'HELLO' using nothing but newspaper and some tape. It was up to us how we did it. Five groups were formed and each were given a sheet with a letter on it and some dimensions using only a piece of A4 paper as a measuring device. My group got the 'H'. Quickly, it became apparant (at least to me) who was the one with the best ideas on how to go about solving the problem. I didn't get his name, though. After we'd agreed on how to build it, we got going. The idea of the excersize wasn't really to produce something astounding but to socialise and make friends with the people in each group except that didn't really happen because I didn't ask anyone for their names. I was happy to help out though and voice my opinions on things regarding building this 'H'.

By 12:20pm, we had a very nice three-dimensional H about a metre tall and a metre wide made out of nothing but newspaper.

We went for lunch after that except since I didn't know anyone I ended up just walking about the campus on my own. However, I managed to find Kerri and a few of the people on her course and for the most part, spent my lunch break with her.

After lunch, I went back into the room where I had had the welcome meeting earlier in the morning and we were shown how to use the IBIS system a little more except the guy showing us had a bit of a boring voice and didn't make it very interesting. Add to the fact that I was incredibly tired anyway having woken up at 7:30am and I was ready to fall asleep and frequently for the next 25 minutes or so, my head drooped and my eyes closed. I was very happy (along with everyone else) when it was over.

After that, we then went back into D-Prod and finished up on the 'H'. The group I was in was the first to complete their letter and ours also easily looked the best. It's quite funny being proud of something you've built even if it is just nothing but newspaper and tape!

Once all of the letters were completed, they were then taken downstairs into the exhibition space and work from other art courses were put on display as well, such as photography and fashion. We then had a small break which I used to go get myself a wireless USB adapter because I wanted (and very much hoped) to have the Internet in my room. I thought maybe when Mark Shone, the accommodation manager had said a couple of weeks, he did literally mean two weeks at the most. So, I picked one up and then sat outside on my own on the grass.

One of the guys from my class came over and saw that I had the adapter. He asked me where he could get one from and I said I'd be happy to show him. I took the oppurtunity to ask his name and introduced myself. I'm much better with one on one than in groups.

After showing him where to get one, I then headed back to the exhibition space, where there were now lots of people looking at the stuff from all of the different courses. It was a great atmosphere. Up above on a balcony overlooking the space, the tutors were chatting amongst themselves about us and one was taking photos of the crowd below. I decided to do so as well and I headed up and took some along with a short video.

From there, we then all went back into the room we were in in the morning (Best Gallery it's called. I've just remembered) and they said they were pleased with what we've produced and thanked us for coming and being on the course. We were then free to go.

On the way out, I bumped into Kerri, Cat and another girl. I can't remember her name. They were heading to get a wireless adapter so I went with them. It's weird how there must be at least 3,000 students on campus yet I can still manage to bump into Kerri/Cat and others really easily.

After they'd got the adapters, they headed back to Kerri's. They were all going to go out again to Brannigan's. They asked me and I say I might. Kerri likes calling me a "dirty stop in", haha. I gave her a hug and Cat and then walked with the other girl and gave her a hug too before saying goodbye.

I was in quite a good mood after spending most of the day finally being creative and then ending the day hugging three different girls. On the way home, a girl was walking towards me and something came over me and I decided to make direct eye contact with her and smile. She did a double take. It was awesome. I didn't look back to see if she would turn around, but just knowing that I'd gotten her attention for even a brief moment made me feel good.

Back at 'home', I took my shoes off and looked at my feet. Both had large blisters on them which are/were extremely painful. I ended up popping them to relieve the pressure and hopefully they'll clear up in a few days, but in the meantime, it's so painful to walk. Cat text me and asked if I was coming out but I said my feet were too sore. She said to massage them and hoped they got better. I text back asking if she was offering. I'm sure by now she probably knows I fancy her and if not, then Kerri will probably know and tell her. I don't really hide my feelings that well.

I had planned on meeting up with Kerri and Cat at Brannigan's but it was far too painful to start walking about uneccessarily. I feel that my fresher's week has been a bit on the dull side in terms of not going out every night and getting pissed but even if I wasn't tired, or had blistered feet, I still wouldn't particularly want to do it every night.

Instead of going out, I decided to break into my stash of emergency programming that I'd downloaded and watched the final two episodes of season two of Lost which took me up to midnight and then I went to bed, ready for Wednesday, which was all about budgeting, student welfare and safety.

So, this morning came and I got ready. I had hoped that a night would be enough to ease the pain the blisters were causing me, but it was most certainly not and I could only just about walk after popping them. I put my shoes on regardless and limped into town for something to eat before decided to get a cab to Uni instead. It really helps having that cab office right by me!

The talks were fairly straight forward and I suppose I didn't really need to attend any of them. Another thing that I did want to attend, however, was the fresher's fair which is where all of the societies advertise themselves. I had a look in there and there were plenty to choose from, but I didn't want to sign up to anything until I know what kind of workload I'll have from my course.

Similarly, in another hall, there were lots of companies trying to sell you stuff. I went to it with Cat, Kerri and the other girl. It was crazy in there. Imagine a large hall with around 50 different stalls and about 500 people all walking around them while they all try and force you to take their leaflets, flyers, balloons and prayer books (Churches are big here!).

Nothing really interested me too much there. However, I did come across one stall for St. John's Ambulance first aid training and that's something I've always wanted to do. However, since I was with Kerri, Cat and the other girl, I ended up not signing up for anything and decided that I'd come back in a bit when it wasn't so busy.

From there, the three of them plus a guy Kerri had started talking to went into town, but I wanted to stay at Uni and use the net to see if there was anything important in my inbox. Me and Cat were walking behind the other three so I decided to just give her a hug and shout goodbye to the others.

Once in the library, I decided to take the time to have a look at IBIS, the University's intranet. I was quite impressed by it. Not only does it allow you to do things like maintain an up to date biography of yourself, along with past qualifications and other awards, but it's also got a course-specific bulletin board, blogs and a place to upload files for the whole group to use. It also has suggested reading material and suitable links and resources. It's very extensive. It's an excellent way of learning.

I checked my inbox too but of course when do I ever get important emails? It was mostly just spam.

I think I spent about an hour there altogether and then I called a cab and went home. I certainly don't want to be calling a cab every time I want to go to/from Uni, but certainly while I have these blisters.

It's now coming up to 7:20pm and I don't really have anything else to do for the night. I could always go to the lapdancing bar by me? Haha.
