Good news/Bad news
I recieved a call yesterday from Chester's accommodation office. They offered me a single room straight away, which means I don't have to go into shared accommodation. "Great!", I thought. That's excellent news.

He called around 9:30am and he told me where I'd be living. I went back to sleep once we'd talked and when I woke up, I'd forgotten where he'd said so I had to wait for the contract to come today.

In the booklet that arrived, there's a list of all the accommodation places and what each hall has. It tells you things like what's in the kitchen, how many people are in the hall and the price of the room. It also tells you if there's Internet access in the hall.

I searched through the listings, looking at the names of the halls that sounded familiar, trying to remember which one the guy on the phone had told me I would be living in and I found one. Bridge Street Row it's called. I checked the features.

No Internet access.

No Internet access. Fuck. That's no access at all in my room. That means that in order to use the Internet, I'd have to go the library. That means no Internet when I need it.


So now I don't know what to do. I really don't like the idea of not having the Internet when I need it. I use it far too often to only use it in a damn library.

I'm going to call the accommodation office on Monday and ask if there's any chance I could still get it in my room and if not, then I'm going to ask if there's any chance I can still go into shared accommodation. I'd rather go into shared for two months and then find somewhere with Internet access than have no access at all. It's just too important for both personal and course-related use.

Also, there's a column that says "Year:" referring to what year the group of students are in that will occupy the halls. Next to Bridge Street Row, it says "Exchange". Doesn't that mean exchange students? As in from overseas?

I think they're going to tell me I can't go into shared accommodation when I call them on Monday. I think there's either going to say that all of the shared accommodation places have now been taken (since I lost my place by saying yes to a single room), or, they'll say that since they've sent out the contract to me, I can't change it now.

This is so shit.
