Seduced by the past
You know, for the first time in quite a few months, someone has made me feel...fuzzy inside. It's strange that that someone is Claire, but it's true, she makes me feel more wanted than anyone I've known for quite a while.

[16:45:55] Claire: you make me feel all warm inside too, when I was on the phone to you last night just hearing your voice made me feel like that

[16:49:54] Claire: i like you a lot neil
[16:50:05] Neil: Aww...don't say that makes me melt.
[16:50:19] Claire: :)
[16:50:19] Claire: i really really really like you and want you Neil
[16:50:48] Neil: I just don't want you to be, well, using me for sex because you've just come out of a relationship. :) But I'd really like to have sex with you again.
[16:51:14] Claire: i wouldn't be using you for sex
[16:51:14] Claire: i like you a lot
[16:51:34] Claire: i'vealways liked you, never stopped liking you

[16:53:29] Claire: i am so looking forward to seeing you

[17:17:13] Claire: everytime i have thought of you today (which has been nearly all the time) i have been smiling

[17:27:42] Neil: I love the fact that you say that...but I guess there's still a part of me that thinks maybe you're only saying that because you're looking for some affection, now that you don't have a boyfriend. I know you don't mean to do it on purpose, but I'm just wondering whether you want me, or you want the affection? :)
[17:28:07] Claire: i want you
[17:28:28] Claire: if it was just affection i wanted then i would get it from someone closer
[17:28:48] Claire: there are plenty of guys i could just have the sex and affection from
[17:28:48] Claire: but i dont want them

[17:49:14] Claire: can i ring you when i get back tonight?
[17:49:34] Neil: You can if you want :) That'd be nice. Aww no one ever asks if they can call me lol

Who could resist smiling at all of those nice things?
