The well is dry?
How very very weird.

The richest guy I know is not the richest guy I know.

After sitting in the living room for the last few hours watching TV, I finally switched everything off and headed up to my room at 1am. However, on my way up the stairs, I noticed that there was a car parked outside my house and its lights were on and there was someone inside. At first, I thought whoever it was was just sitting there, perhaps waiting for something. I thought maybe it was a cab to begin with and he was just taking a break but I quickly realised that not only was it not a cab and not only was the guy not just sitting there but he was asleep.

I began watching him a little more and then I realised the colour of the car was blue. "Surely this can't be Gary", I said to myself. It was 1am afterall.

I carried on watching him for the next 10 minutes and he was definitely asleep. I could see him reclined in his seat with his arms folded and they were slowly rising and falling.

After 15 minutes of discovering his car outside my house, I decided to text him to see if it really was him.

"When can I have my money back?", I text him.

I peered out of the window once more (with all of the house lights switched off so he couldn't see me) and 10 seconds after sending the text, I saw him jump into life and look at his phone. It was definitely Gary.

He reached for the phone and read my message. He then began handling the phone some more and I assumed he was texting me back. He of course did not know that I was watching him.

He didn't text me. Instead, he sat there for a little while longer, allowing himself to wake up and stretch. I thought perhaps he had come to give me my money but at such a strange time, it wasn't much of a possibility. I got paranoid and decided to make sure the front and back doors were locked. I don't know why. I just think the worst sometimes.

I decided to text my Mum.

"Weird question", I said in the text, "But is Gary with you right now? There is a car parked outside with someone sleeping in it and it looks like him"

I recieved no answer however and I thought that it may be because it was 1am, afterall. However, a call to my Mum felt warranted and so I did.

She answered after one ring and I knew that that meant she had just read my text. I asked if Gary was there and she said no. It was definitely him outside, though he had now gone. I explained to her that he had been sitting outside for quite a while, that I had text him and then he drove off. She said that he had called her a few minutes ago, drunk.

She said that she had found out a lot of things today. Apparantly Gary is in a lot of shit with a lot of people regarding money and my Mum is very angry at him for not telling her.

It was then that I decided to tell my Mum about the money he owes me.

"I don't know if he's told you or not", I said to her, "But Gary owes me �900".

There was silence for a good nine or ten seconds.

"What?", she said.
"You have to promise you won't tell him", I said.
"You have to promise"
"Ok, tell me, I swear"

I told her how I had lent him the �900 a day after my birthday and that over the last two weeks, I had constantly been texting him to give me it back but with no success. My Mum couldn't believe what she was hearing. Neither could I really.

She asked me why hadn't I called her about it when he asked me for the money. I told her it was because he told me not to. Gary's a proud guy and he's always been nice to me so I was happy to keep it between us.

My Mum told me that Gary is in a hell of a lot of debt with quite a few people including my Mum and my Nan. It's pretty hard to comprehend when you have come to believe that this guy is fairly well off and has proven it a few times.

We talked on the phone for about 20 minutes. I once again made my Mum promise that she would not tell him I had told her about it, but she promised that it would be sorted and that I'd get my money back.

What a weird situation.
