Smile though your heart is aching
My Mum and Gary are staying here for a few days while Gary's flat is getting rennovated. It's weird having them here when the house has been empty besides me for so long.

On Saturday, I got woken up by my Mum at around 7:30am because she and Gary needed to talk to me. Reluctantly I got up, after only having a small amount of sleep and went downstairs. They wanted to talk to me about the housing problem. See, currently, she/Gary are spending around �700 in total on mortages for both this house and Gary's apartment and it's too much to afford. The only real solution is for them to rent this house.

I understand what they're saying and they weren't nasty about it. They just wanted to make sure that I understood the position they were in. They have to either rent this house out or continue paying out too much money and they needed to come up with a solution.

I sat there, still half asleep and talked. My Mum said that she knew a couple who wanted to rent this house out. However, they needed to move in within the next two weeks because they were moving out of where they were living currently. She asked how I would feel about living here with them. "Uncomfortable", I said. And I would. I mean, I don't know this couple and even if I did, I'd still feel weird living with people who mean nothing to me. The fact that they're "Really nice", as my Mum said doesn't really matter.

So, the only option then was to find me somewhere else to live and let them live here. Gary then said that the idea was that I move into his apartment and let the couple move in here. Then, he and my Mum would move into a hotel. In the meantime, Gary, my Mum and I would look for a place for me to live and they'd buy me it.

They'd buy me a place of my own! Pretty impressive to be told that someone will buy you a place to live.

Gary said that they're building new apartments in the middle of town and that they'll be ready in September and that I could have one if I wanted or, pretty much anywhere else in Liverpool. I think it's a lot of people's dream to live in the centre of town in a nice apartment and here I was being offered it. I wasn't sure about it though.

This is the only home I've known and moving out and letting some strangers live here feels wrong. I don't like the idea of someone taking over my room when it's been mine for so long and so I'm quite unsure about it.

Nothing definite got sorted by the time Gary had to go to a meeting, but it looked like I would have to move out and into Gary's within the next two weeks. "You don't give me a lot of time to think about this, do you?", I said to my Mum.

Once Gary had left however, me and my Mum talked more and we came up with a better solution because Gary hadn't thought enough about what would happen once I was living in his. It was my assumption that I'd be living in Gary's all Summer, which I was fine about, while he and my Mum would live in a hotel. She said that's not what would happen though and what Gary had meant was that I move in his for say, two weeks and in that time, they look for a place for me. I said that that made no sense though, moving everything of mine into his for just two weeks and then moving everything again, especially since I need an Internet connection. So, the plan changed.

Instead of me moving into Gary's, I'll now be living here for the rest of the Summer. At the end of Summer, we'll look for a place wherever I want, they'll buy it for me and then I'll go to University. By the time I'm home for half term, the apartment/house will be furnished for me, ready to live in and the couple my Mum wants to live here will do so at the end of September. I'm happy with that I guess.

While the offer of an apartment in town is a pretty nice idea, I don't think it'd be suitable for me. I don't like the hustle and bustle of town. I only need to stay in Gary's for an hour or two to realise the amount of noise from all of the traffic right outside his apartment. I could never live somewhere where there's traffic all day and night right outside. I like living here - it's quiet.

Personally, I'd like a house more than an apartment. My Mum said that a house wouldn't cost any more than an apartment too. Plus, that way, I could still keep Oogee when I'm on my breaks instead of him living at the warehouse all of the time which looks inevitable. I don't want him to live there at all but currently, it's the only solution. I just hope that it IS a solution that works when put into practice.

Not many parents can say to their children "I'll buy you a house, just pick where". It's pretty surreal. I said that I'd be happy staying in Kirkby. My Mum hates Kirkby and can't believe that I'd willingly stay here, but I would. I don't think it's as bad as she makes it out to be. It's got its fair share of problems, but so has anywhere else. I guess the only reason why I'd want to stay here is because I know it and feel vaguely comfortable here. I know where things are and like most people, I don't like change. Not drastic changes such as living in a completely different place anyway.

College started again yesterday and I got underway with my final major project (FMP). It's a six week project and, like the title says, it's a major project. It's externally assessed, which means it's got to be good. Also as the name suggests, it's my final project so I want to try my best to make it look great.

When my Mum and Gary came here, she said that they'd be staying here until around Tuesday, but now it looks like they'll be here until the end of the week. I don't mind so much, but since Gary smokes, it rises up to my room and it stinks so much. I can even handle that at times, but it has to be one of the most horrible things when the first thing you smell in the morning is smoke. I have to hide under the covers just to escape it. I just cannot stand smoke and that's never going to change.

My Mum doesn't like staying here. As I say, she hates Kirkby and she always thinks the house is a mess or something needs to be done. That's only partially true, but I guess every Mum is like that. I like having the house to myself so I guess I'll be glad when they go back to Gary's too.

I still have yet to see Hannah again but hopefully tomorrow. Unfortunately though, it's not the perfect situation I thought it'd be. She doesn't want commitment and seems so distant at times which is confusing when she says that she wants to be with me. I want her as my girlfriend, but you can't have a girlfriend who you never see. I think she's lovely and I'm willing to make a go of it, but it's just too hard when she isn't trying and so for now at least, I have to be content with the occasional date.

Part of me is saying that I should just tell her that it's not worth seeing each other because she can't give me what I want and yet without her, I once again have no one and no chance of any kind of affection and it's that affection that at least makes me a little happier. It's such a hard situation to be in. Either stick with it and feel unimportant and have the odd day with her, or tell her it's not worth it and have nothing once more. It's horrible.

As I say, I think I'm seeing her tomorrow, but even that's not for sure just yet. Plus, since my Mum and Gary are still staying here, it means that it's more awkward to bring her back here at least to stay the night which was the plan, since I don't have a double bed and my Mum does. I would have just used hers. So, I don't know what's going to happen.

I bought a friend a CD as a surprise last week and sent it yesterday. Surprise gifts are fun to give and she liked it. I need to do it more often with people because it's always nice to make someone smile.
