Jagermeister owns me
Fast forward to early Friday morning and I was greeted by a text at about 4am from Corrie, wishing me a happy birthday. Shortly after that, I went to bed and woke up around 12pm, ready to celebrate my birthday that night with my friends and moreso, looking forward to bringing Hannah out.

When I did wake up, I noticed she wasn't online so I waited around for her to see what time she'd be coming to mine before we went into town together to meet my friends. I was planning on going out around 6:30pm and meeting everyone in the AJ's. By 4pm, Hannah was still not online and I was worried. I tried calling her, but got no answer. At 5pm, she finally appeared.

[16:37:47] (( I'm 22 ye: Finalllllly
[16:38:09] (( I'm 22 ye: Been trying to call you since like, 1pm! Was wondering where you where.
[16:38:39] make me your: Happy Birthday (K)
[16:38:43] (( I'm 22 ye: Thank youuuu :D
[16:38:44] make me your: im sorry i have been out
[16:39:20] (( I'm 22 ye: Are you still coming out with me?
[16:39:47] make me your: My money didnt go in .. and my sister went to scotland so it dont look like it :(
[16:39:56] (( I'm 22 ye: You have the money I gave you
[16:40:07] (( I'm 22 ye: Use that to get to mine
[16:40:17] make me your: yeah i know but i have no other money ..
[16:40:42] (( I'm 22 ye: Oh right...crap.
[16:40:56] (( I'm 22 ye: I really want you to come out
[16:41:32] make me your: i know i do ...
[16:41:43] make me your: but im gonna have to go out with you an other time.

The conversation continued like that for about an hour and I kept asking her why she couldn't just let me lend her money until she had it herself.

[16:51:38] (( I'm 22 ye: Tell me why you can't come out babe?
[16:52:04] (( I'm 22 ye: Don't you want to?
[16:52:14] make me your: i just cant.
[16:52:24] make me your: yeah, course i do.
[16:52:32] (( I'm 22 ye: It sounds like you don't want to though?
[16:52:57] make me your: i do.
[16:53:13] (( I'm 22 ye: So please come.
[17:15:21] (( I'm 22 ye: So are you going to get ready and we can meet in town?
[17:15:36] make me your: i cant come.]
[17:15:41] (( I'm 22 ye: But you can!
[17:15:51] make me your: -]
[17:15:51] make me your: but i cant.
[17:15:54] (( I'm 22 ye: Why not then?
[17:18:02] make me your: i just cant ...
[17:33:34] (( I'm 22 ye: Please just tell me what's up. And then I can forget about it. Otherwise you're going to make me worried for the rest of the day.
[17:34:39] make me your: no dont worry ..
[17:34:47] (( I'm 22 ye: But you're making me

In the midst of this, I was also talking to Jamie and by now, I was feeling quite disappointed and a little upset that she wasn't coming out.

[17:06:51] Eat Jam Side: ajs is closed
[17:07:01] (( I'm 22 ye: ...what the hell?
[17:07:17] Eat Jam Side: bank hoilday
[17:07:23] (( I'm 22 ye: How do you know it's closed/
[17:07:59] Eat Jam Side: tori told me
[17:08:16] (( I'm 22 ye: Where we going then?

This was turning into one of the worst birthdays I've had. The AJ's is the only real place we all love going and with it closed, our options of where to go were seriously diminished. We ended up deciding that we'd go to a bar instead and unfortunately, I left my house without the company of Hannah.

I arrived in town around 7:30pm, meeting Dave on the same train into town, where I then met Danielle as well. Jamie and Mike arrived soon after and then we went to the Baa Bar. It's quite boring in there, but we were at a loss at where to go.

In there, we found the rest of the group and I got a hug off Tori and she wished me happy birthday, as did others. I also wished Rob a happy birthday since it was his birthday too. I also got a card off Danielle.

We had only been in there about 20 or 30 minutes, but we were pretty bored of the place already. I had bought myself a drink and a shot and by the time I had drank them, we had decided that we'd go somewhere else.

We ended up walking pretty aimlessly through a somewhat empty town. It was unusual considering it was Friday night although it was Good Friday. The idea was passed about of going back to Dave's and just hanging out there instead, but in the end, we ended up in a fairly dingy pub/pool club place. It wasn't that nice at all, but we found a table and we all got drinks.

Dave was also keen to buy me something called a Black Russian. It was horrible though. He also bought me and him a shot of something called Jagermeister and that tasted quite nice. I liked it a fair bit actually and bought another two; one for him and one for me, before getting another two and offering him one. He declined so I drank them both. I then got two more.

Needless to say, it wasn't long at all before I was laughing at absolutely nothing...

I recieved a text from Hannah about 9:30pm. She said she was really sorry that she hadn't come out, but she was just too shy about meeting my friends and she felt stupid for saying so. I text her back, saying she should come out anyway, but she declined once more.

By now, I had had a total of SEVEN Jagermeisters, three Smirnoff Ice, one black russian and one black assassin shot.

I was...well, drunk is an understatement.

The next thing I know, we were walking out of the pool club. I don't know why or what time. I vaguely remember Dave taking me to the station. I said that I'd get the train home, but I needed the toilet first. He said he'd wait at the barrier for me while I went. I did so, but then, instead of going for the train, went back to Dave. "I'll get a cab", I think I said to him, before walking back out of the station, only to collapse on the floor outside of a shop. "Just give me ten minutes", I said to him a few times. I was slurring and couldn't see straight.

"Come on", he said, "You need to walk it off"
"I just need ten minutes", I said to him.
"Neil, you need to get home"
"Just giv..."

The next thing I remember is waking up at home. Except the first thing I noticed was that not only had I somehow managed to end up in my Mum's bed (the house is empty now remember - don't be thinking weird things), but I had absolutely NO FUCKING IDEA how I had gotten home. AT ALL.

The last thing I remember is sitting outside of the shop. I don't remember absolutely anything else.

I woke up around 6am and Oogee was crying for me to feed him and let him out. That was when I realised where I was. "What the fuck?", I was thinking to myself, "Why can't I remember anything?".

I stumbled downstairs, realising I was naked, not even remembering how I got undressed. As I did so, I also realised that my clothes were thrown all over the house pretty much. I let Oogee out and stumbled back into my Mum's bed, passing out once more until around 9am.

I woke up again, this time a little more concious, feeling hungry and thirsty. I once again went downstairs and saw my clothes everywhere again. I was still confused and still couldn't remember anything. Again, I went back to bed and passed out some more, but not before texting Dave, who I could only assume had helped me get home.

"Dave, thank you so fucking much for getting home!"

I didn't sleep long after that, being woken up by various people texting me and me replying. I kept trying to remember so damn hard just what the hell had happened from the time I had sat down by the shop to the time I had ended up home. Nothing. Couldn't remember a damn thing.

Around 12pm, after trying to sleep some more and still feeling drunk/hungover, Gary called me.

"Hi Neil, I'm going to say something to you that you would have never thought you'd hear me say"
"Neil, do you have any money you can lend me?"
"...uh", I thought for a moment, wondering if it was some sort of joke or trick, "yeah?".
"Can you lend me it?"
"How much?"
"About �900"
"I'm sitting outside the house right now. I'm making some phonecalls. Can you give me it today?"
"...ok. I'll get ready."

What a way to start the day. The richest man I know was asking to lend money from me. I just went along with it and I got ready to go out with him to the bank. It was about 1pm when I did. However, I realised that it was Saturday and told him that the bank would be shut. He said it might be open so we went to look. It wasn't. I then used my card instead, but could only withdraw �200 from it. Stressed out, he asked if I would get cashback in a shop so I said sure and he drove to a petrol station.

On the way, I explained to him that this money I was lending him was my savings so he needed to get it back to me quickly. He butted in though, saying that he promised he would and that he was good for the money. I replied, saying that I knew he was. At least...I think he is?

"Oh and please don't tell your Mum", he said to me. "She would absolutely fucking kill me if she found out"

Unfortunately, the petrol station could only give me �30 cashback so in total, I gave him �230. Someone called him on the way back to mine and I heard Gary saying how he was trying to get money together, but it wasn't happening. He was seriously stressed.

I didn't want to ask about the whys and hows of what he was asking me to do. I've learnt that perhaps it's just better to go along with it, since I know he'll give me it back. I offered to get another �200 out for him the next day and he said that he might need me to do so. He thanked me and I went back to mine, where I tried to sober up in the garden while I opened Danielle's card from the night before, along with some cards that had come for me that morning. I felt so damn dizzy though thankfully, I didn't throw up. I just felt dizzy all day.

So, that was my birthday and the morning after. What little of it I can remember, I'm afraid I have to say that my birthday was pretty damn boring, but that waking up and not remembering how the hell you got home is most certainly a new one for me. Something which I plan on not doing again!
