Out for longer than I planned
Dave called me around 7:30pm asking me if I'd like to come to his new flat that he and Liam had gotten the day before. I was hesitant at first, but in the end, I decided that it was better than sitting in my room being bored once again so I got ready and went. I ended up getting there though around 9:40pm because there was a long wait for a cab to take me from mine to the station.

There were a few people there already, including Jamie, Mike, Dave, Liam (otherwise known as Tucker), Patrick, Rob, Abigail and Tori.

It's only supposed to be a one bedroomed flat, but both Dave and Liam are living there. It's nothing special, but it's right next to the station and it's not bad. They were all sitting on the floor, drinking and talking. I sat down and didn't really say much. I never know what to say. I'm always quiet when in large groups.

Jamie, Mike, Patrick and I decided to catch the last train home around 11:20pm, leaving the rest of them there to stay the night. Those three caught their train about five minutes after we got into the station, but mine didn't come until 11:40pm and it was cold and raining. Not a nice place to be. Once back in Kirkby, I then waited and waited for a cab to take me back to mine. I ended up waiting half an hour in the cold/rain so by this time, it was 12:10am.

Once back at mine, I put the key in the door and attempted to turn it but it wouldn't. I hadn't locked the door when I went out because Laura was out too and I didn't want to lock it in case she didn't have a key. Since I couldn't unlock the door, I knew that she must be in and had left the key in the door, meaning I couldn't put mine in.

I called her mobile to ask her to let me in but there was no answer. I tried knocking on the door and banging the letterbox. I tried shouting through the letterbox, about five times. Nothing. I began to panic a little, since it was now 12:20am and I wanted to get in my house. I tried calling her again, but nothing.

As a last resort, I had no option but to call my nan and ask her if I could go round there. I apologised for waking her up, but explained to her that I was stuck outside the house because Laura wasn't opening the door . I went round to my nan's and tried and tried to call the main phone in the house, my phoneline and Laura's mobile. Nothing. I tried for around 20 minutes while sitting in my nan's. I felt really guilty waking her up but I had nowhere else to go.

After 20 minutes, I gave up calling and decided that I'd have to spend in the night in my nan's instead. Luckily she has a spare bedroom. My nan tried calling the house too as I was making a cup of tea for us both, but she got no answer either.

After another five minutes, Laura finally picked up the phone when my nan tried and she told her to take the key out of the door so I could get in. I then went back round to mine and could finally get in the house.

It's such a good job that my nan lives around the corner from me, otherwise I would have been spending tonight outside in the rain. Not a nice thought. I'm very thankful to my nan for getting out of bed and letting me in.

I don't understand why the hell Laura couldn't hear me calling her mobile or the house phone or hear me banging on the door and shouting through the letter box. Part of me almost thinks that she could hear me but simply didn't want to let me in but hopefully even she isn't capable of that.
