Good marks all around
My head is killing me. I have a migraine. It's my own fault though for sleeping a little too long.

I'm trying to keep myself calm about the fact that I may be getting kicked out of this house at some point or another. I'm trying to put it to the back of my mind. I guess maybe that's a bad thing but until I actually know when I'm being kicked out, I have to try and carry on with my life as it is currently. I have college to think about and I can't let it affect the quality of my work.

College is going normally. I'm on top of all of my work which is good. I also forgot to mention that I recieved a distinction (The highest grade you can get) for my report that I wrote last term. I also recieved a distinction for the Flash timeline I created. I was happy about that. It means that I have distinctions for a lot of my work. I'm trying to bring every project up to that standard. I think there might be two, possibly three that are currently merits.

I have to give a powerpoint presentation tomorrow on the group work that I've been doing for the past few weeks. It's going to be a group presentation, which means that everyone has to design it but already I've noticed that what everyone else is designing looks second rate. Nothing fits together like it should. I've ran out of patience though, always telling everyone what to do and how to do it right so I've decided to just let them do it however they like since it's not my problem anymore. I don't think I'll get a distinction for this project unfortunately.

Over the half term, I decided to set myself a mini brief. A brief that I had made up that I could do over the course of five days that would produce lots of nice work that I could then show to Brian and see what he thinks. It didn't work out to be five days though, as I procrastinated a bit too much and it's carried on into this week too. I was hoping to have it finished by tomorrow, but because my head is killing me right now, I don't think I'm going to be able to complete it tonight. However, the work that I've done so far, I like. There's about 20 pages of A3 paper covered with designs and notes and research and it looks good. I'm kind of excited about showing it to Brian, since it's not like he knows anything about it. It also feels good doing something that wasn't required of me. An achievement. It also looks good as portfolio work.

That's it for now.
