Er, no?
I got a call from Gary this morning which pissed me off. He was pretty much calling on behalf of my mum about the house being untidy and how she is paying too much out in bills. I know all of this anyway and I can't do anything about it. He was talking nonsense about one thing or another. I couldn't really be bothered listening. Not to mention the fact that I felt pretty weird about the fact that it was him calling about a problem which my mum should be talking to me about, not him.

In addition, she then said that Gary wanted to ask me something about booking a flight online for him. Err, sorry? She didn't ask it as a request but more of a "Oh, and here's Gary to tell you what he needs". I'm happy to find out whatever for him, as I'm in front of the computer anyway, but actually asking me instead of assuming that I'd do it would be nice.

I think my mum thinks just because he's important in her life that he's automatically important in mine. He's not. And it pisses me off that he thinks he has any right to call me and tell me what's what.

I went to see my nan. She said that my mum had called her and she'd told her that Gary had called me. Before I could say anything, my nan said exactly what I was thinking: What business is it of his?

I stayed there for about 90 minutes and then returned home. As I was leaving, my Nan offered me �5 to order a meal. I said it was ok and that I had food in the house but she insisted that I take it. I said I felt really guilty taking it and that I hated doing it but she made me take it. I didn't get a meal with it, but it'll help towards getting to/from college.

Laura's dishes are mounting up again. There are bowls that have been left there since yesterday, along with some more dishes from today. In addition, for some reason, she is incapable of hanging out her clothes to dry on the washing line, instead choosing to put them in front of the fire for no other reason really than she can't be bothered hanging them out.

I haven't seen my mum for about two months. I haven't talked to her on the phone besides this morning for about the same amount of time as well. And, whenever I do get a call from her, it's never a friendly call. She only texts me when it's something friendly i.e. "How are you?". Not that that bothers me really, actually. Well actually, yes it does. It bothers me not because I particularly have anything to say to her, but that when she does call, it's only because she wants to complain about something or needs something doing.

God I wish I could get out of here. I NEED my own place so much. I just can't afford it though. Not until I at least finish college but God knows what I'll do after I do finish. I don't know whether I'm going to go to uni or not.

Life is never good.
