I still have a penis
I did as I said and postponed my visit to the doctors. It's been four days now and my cock has yet to fall off and I'm not pissing green. Always a good sign. I've also calmed down a lot about doing the act in the first place. I don't know why I got so worked up about it.

Last night, I went out with my friends to the pub. It was nice. I haven't seen them for a while. I haven't been out for about two months, possibly longer. None of us have been the pub for even longer than that. Nowadays, we're usually in a bar. I like the pub though, it's a nice atmosphere. No loud music, which means you can actually talk to people and stuff. The only downside is that there's a hell of a lot of smokers in there and I always come home smelling of it. It's horrible.

It was an average night altogether in the pub. Nothing special, but not bad either. When I walked into the pub and Dave saw me, he looked surprised.

"Is that a beefy on your neck!", he said, referring to the lovebite. I smiled and showed him it.
"So come on!", he said, "Details"
"I'm not telling you", I replied.

He persisted for about 10 minutes and then gave up. In addition to Dave being there, Rob was as well with dyed hair that looked awfully silly, but I didn't say anything. Well, nothing in detail. I told him her name was Larina, she was 18 and from Manchester. Nothing else. He asked if I shagged her, but I said I wasn't telling him.

Jamie, Danielle and Mike turned up a little later and Dave mentioned the lovebite to Jamie and then Jamie inquired about it as well, although I didn't tell him either.

Rob said he had something to tell everyone. Apparantly he's gay. I felt quite sorry for him actually because everyone kept asking him questions about it after that and he looked a little uncomfortable.

Patrick and his boyfriend Tez, along with Liam turned up a while later and Jed and Kim turned up later in the night and we sat about chatting. I was pretty quiet throughout the night, but not because I was feeling crap or anything. Just in a quiet mood.

After the pub, I wanted to go the Krazy House. However, Jamie, Mike, Danielle, Patrick and Tez didn't want to and they want home. I decided to go to the club anyway with Jed and Kim. Dave was already in there with Rob.

I was already a little drunk when I went in there, but sober enough to still try and take the place in. To be honest though, after about five minutes of it I was beginning to get a little bored. I bought myself a drink and just sat down somewhere on my own while everyone else was on the dancefloor. That was pretty much where I stayed for a long time. We then moved onto a different floor, but I found somewhere else to sit on my own and just watched everyone dance.

It was around 1am that I decided to go home.

Once home, I came online for a bit, although I was having trouble seeing the screen properly. I went to bed around 5am I think and woke up at 9:30am, thankfully without so much as a headache.

I've been sitting in front of the computer since then pretty much. I've been talking to Ian for most of the day. I'm looking forward to meeting him next month when he starts going to the same college as me.

Not much else to talk about.
