Mum's aren't supposed to move out
I think it's funny that either one of you who currently reads this diary, someone who did read, but now can't or Claire decided to do a search for this. Of course, there are no correct results.

I text my mum yesterday, telling her that I'd sent her the flyer and could she text me to let me know she had recieved it and before she went to get it printed, as I needed to give her some instructions.

Today, she text me and I asked her if she was planning on getting it printed today. She text back, saying yes, so I called her, as I wanted to give her the instructions. When I called her however, just three minutes later, she said she'd already been to get it printed. WHY!

I don't understand why she done this when I'd told her not to do so before speaking to me. It was for her own benefit!

The reasons are as follows.

I used a program called InDesign to design the flyer. It's the industry standard, along with Quark to design print-based media. However, since it's an expensive program, I wasn't really sure if the print shop where my mum would be going to get the flyers would have it and therefore be able to open up the file on their computers. This was important, as I had designed it so that there were two flyers on one piece of A4, which meant that the paper needed to be cut in half. However, I'd also included a single flyer which would be printed off on A5. In addition to this, there was a 'banner' going right across the flyer which meant that when printed, it would have to print right to the edge so the banner would not stop a few millimetres too soon.

I burnt these two files to disk and also printed off a copy of the A4 flyers just in case the print shop didn't have InDesign. At least that way, they could just stick it in a photocopier and get the flyers that way.

To clarify, getting the flyers printed via InDesign would make the flyers look better than if they were printed via a photocopier.

But no, my mum couldn't even text me - for her own benefit - before she went to get the flyers done. Why did she think I had included a CD with a copy of the flyer? I had specifically told her that I needed to give her some instructions the night before.

It doesn't affect me directly I guess, since it's now her responsibility, not mine. If she wants the flyers to look a little crap then that's her doing, not mine, as I had designed them to look as good as possible.

She said she was currently on the way to Amsterdam with Gary. Joy.

Is it wrong that I feel as if my mum has abandoned me/Laura? Is it wrong that part of me thinks she should be living here instead of with Gary? A little of this is to do with jealousy too, I guess, since I desperately want to move out too. But, because she isn't living here, this house is slowly crumbling. My room is still empty after over a month. There's still no cupboards in it which means I can't bring all of my stuff back into my room.

It's as if because my mum's room has been decorated (even though she's not even living here now) and the hall has been decorated as well, she's not really bothered about the rest of the house. Infact, I guess it does kind of feel as if she's not really bothered about the house in general anymore because she doesn't live here now. She hasn't actually set foot inside this house now for just under a month. And now she's gone to Amsterdam.

She claims my room hasn't been furnished because there was a chance that I was moving out but that's not true, as the possibility of me moving out only came up this week and my room has been waiting to get done for four weeks.

Partially related to this is the fact that I now go shopping for my own food which, I'm actually enjoying. I like being able to pick exactly what I want and not having to rely on my mum getting the right stuff. It does mean however, that I'm spending more money. Money which I'm really going to need once I start college again.

I text my mum while I was shopping to ask her if Gary had asked the landlord of the apartment if he'd allow me to take Oogee with me. If he says yes, that would be so cool. Having said that though, there'd still be a chance that it wouldn't work out for the reasons I've already stated in a previous entry. Still, I'm trying to remain optimistic about it.

Jamie and a few of my other friends are at a houseparty tonight again. Again, I wish I was there, only if I was, I know I'd wish I wasn't. I know I'd just feel out of place and want to go home.

There's no one online and I'm wish there was. I need more Americans to talk to I guess. Someone who's up at 2:30am. Or maybe I should just get a decent sleeping pattern.

Like that's going to happen.
