Five guys, a girl and a drinking place
It's been a great night.

Today started with me waking up at 7am, only to fall back asleep until 7:30. Daniel had said not to be late, because there was an inspector in and since I knew that I would most certainly be late, decided not to go in at all. Maybe that's not such good logic, but I didn't want to walk in late and it be all awkward. I fell back asleep.

I got up at 3pm and mostly sat in front of the computer designing. Around 5pm, I remembered that there were people going the AJ's but really, I couldn't be bothered going. At about 6:30pm however, I began to feel quite depressed and lonely because I was talking to a girl named Sally online and while there is no real 'connection' with her, it felt shit that I knew she was talking to someone else who meant more to her. Not feeling wanted and not feeling special has to be one of the worst feelings in the world. This was coupled with the fact that Claire was online as well and that made me feel bad too.

So, at 7pm, I decided to grab my coat and go to town, very much spur of the moment. I was glad to be out of the house.

I arrived in the AJ's at 8pm. Only Jamie and Mike were there though. They were surprised to see me, since it was 8pm and usually if I was coming, it's at around 6:30pm. I felt as if I had made a very good move coming out instead of staying in, even though really, I couldn't afford it. I got myself a drink and to my shock they said that they had stopped selling Bacardi Breezers! It's the only thing I bloody drink. However, I got a WKD instead and found this to be very nice.

Danielle arrived after a while, then Patrick arrived about 8:30 and Dave, Jed and Laura arrived at about 9pm. That was to be the group for the night. It was the smallest the group has ever been I think, but it was a good size.

We sat talking and laughing. It was a really nice atmosphere. Dave informed me that although I had talked to Liam last night and he had told me that we weren't going to see the house tomorrow, that we now were and he told me to be at Waterloo station at 5:30 tomorrow.

So tomorrow I'm going to be looking at a house. A house which may prove to be where I'll be living this time next month. It's a SIX bedroomed house, with three bathrooms, a cellar and an attic.

I'll be moving in with Dave, Glenn, Jed, Liam and one other person. We're all going to view it tomorrow. It sounds like such a good place to live. It's literally 20 seconds from the train station, right by tons of shops, ten minutes from the beach. Perfect. Plus, while the total rent is �850 a month, between six people, that's just �150 each! That's less than you'd pay for a one bedroomed flat.

The only thing that I'm worried about is the fact that while I know Dave quite well, the rest I only know from talking to in the pub. And, while they're all nice people, they're all a lot more outgoing than me and I'm worried that I'll find it a bit too much living with them, moreso because of how I am, rather than how they are. I like plenty of peace and quiet, but I think they'd be more likely to prefer parties and general wildness. Perhaps I'm wrong.

Still, I'm going to look at the house tomorrow with them, as I said. There's a big possibility that I'll be moving in, but it'll be for a one month trial period I think, after which, if I feel that it's too much, I'll move back home. I'm glad that I do actually have my 'real' bedroom to come back to if things go wrong and that I'm not stuck there whatever happens.

I'll be taking pictures!

We were sitting quite close to the door in the pub and I watched as people walked in/out. There was one girl in particular who I thought looked soo hot who came into the pub. Always nice to see a hot girl. She went the bar once or twice throughout the night and I couldn't help but look over.

As always, I brought my camera and me and Jamie were taking loads of pictures of everyone. Jamie loves my camera, as he loves saving every single picture he or I take of everyone and then according to Danielle has them all stuck on his wall in his bedroom.

There are plenty of times when I go the AJ's, but don't feel as if I'm having that much fun there. However, tonight was certainly fun and I felt as if I was really enjoying myself for once.

I got a text off someone a little later on. "I swear you in the aj!" and I was pretty damn confused, since I hadn't told anyone I knew that I was going. I actually thought that maybe it was one of the group for some strange reason and I asked them if any of them had just sent me a text and they said no. So, I decided to call this mystery texter and I was greeted with a voice who I didn't recognise. They told me their name and then I realised who it was, but I had only ever talked to them online. After talking to them for a moment they said that they were actually in the pub and I was pretty confused at that point. I went back in and looked around for someone who I supposedly knew but found no one. I went back to the group, looking rather confused. "Apparantly there's someone in here that knows me" I said to them. A moment later and a girl appeared. It was the same girl who I had I fancied from earlier on in the night! haha

I thought it was amusing that while it's not like she likes me, I fancied her and didn't even know that I already knew her! I said hi and stuff to her and talked to her for a bit, before she went back to her friends. It was cool meeting her, albeit for a few moments. It made my night.

The rest of the night was just as good, more talking, lauging and taking pictures. I looked over to see where the girl I knew was sitting and I could see that she was getting ready to leave. I was really tempted to go and say goodbye to her, but I didn't actually know how to! It sounds so stupid, I know, but I just didn't actually know how to go and strike up a conversation with her, albeit even one to say goodbye. Plus, when she did leave, she left via a door closer to her and so therefore didn't pass me when she left and I guess I was kind of disappointed that I didn't get to say goodbye to her.

Us lot left just before 11pm and walked down into town. Jamie, Mike and Danielle waited for the bus, while me, Laura, Dave, Jed and Patrick walked further into town. I said goodbye to Dave, Jed and Patrick as they were going to LeBateaus and I wasn't. Laura was getting the train home and so was I. I waved goodbye to Laura as my train pulled out of the station.

So, tonight has been really really good and I'm so glad I changed my mind about going at the last minute. I'm so excited about going to see this house tomorrow too and who knows, this time next month, I could actually be living in a new house.
