Hugging employees is fun
Yesterday, I woke up around 5pm. Quite bad for me really when I was in college the previous day. Usually my body keeps to around the 1pm mark at most.

Ruth said she got beaten up and what amounts to mugged yesterday by some girls. How fucking awful is that? I felt so angry that someone could do that to her. Ruth is one of the cutest people ever who would never hurt anyone and someone has to go do that to her. Horrible.

The highlight of the night was talking to a girl named Jen (not the Jen I mentioned in a recent previous entry). I went searching DeviantART for people in Liverpool to talk to. She's the only one who seems to of really wanted to talk though and we've been doing so on MSN for about two weeks. She's cool. She works in town. Last week we discussed the notion of me coming in to see her where she works. Last night, we arranged it. Today, I did it.

I woke up this morning feeling rather damn tired, as I only went to bed at 6am and got up at 11. Well, I say got, but it was more of a "switch the alarm on my phone off and get back into bed". It was only for the fact that my mum came into my room looking for her phone that I woke up again twenty minutes later and pulled myself out of bed.

Though Jen would be in work all day, we had arranged to 'meet' at 1pm. I didn't even know what she looked like really, as the only picture I had of her was a year old and she had pink hair in it, which she doesn't have now. I showed her a picture of me so she could recognise me.

I got to town around 1:10pm and went to where she works. I had no idea who I was actually looking for and I was too scared to actually ask someone who worked there "Is Jen around?". I walked around some of the aisles pretending to look at the stuff, glancing around to see if I could see anyone who looked vaguely familiar. The only person I could see was a girl on the till and Jen had said she'd be in admidst the aisles. I walked up some stairs in the shop and glanced over at the girl at the girl, wondering if it was her, but dared not go over and ask because I'd look a fool if it wasn't.

My main reason for actually going to town was to buy Bond's new CD, "Classified". I love Bond. I have their other two albums as well and while I'll happily download music, there are some bands which I'd prefer to have the CD of, such as Bond. I don't know why.

I searched around the store looking for the CD but couldn't find it. So, instead, I went looking at another part of the store and walked past the counter where the girl who I thought was Jen was, giving her a very quick glance and then turned back to looking at stuff. 10 seconds later and that very same girl came over to me and smiled. It was Jen afterall! We said hi and stuff to each other and then she showed me her section of the store proudly, claiming it was doing 50% better than anywhere else in the store, ha. I then asked her to show me where I could find Bond's album and she led me around the shop. It was quite surreal. I mean, I've met countless people off the Internet, but never in this situation. It was weird, but fun. Weird, because it's not every day you end up talking to an employee of a shop like a friend.

Sadly, they didn't have the Bond CD I was looking for.

Obviously because she was working, she couldn't exactly sit down and chat with me. Our meeting was brief, but it was fun. I said I'd talk to her online tonight and said our goodbyes and she held out her hand for me to shake. I did so, but that felt way too formal so I hugged her instead. Much better.

After my brief encounter, I went to another music store to see if they had Classified and they did. After that, I decided that since I was in town, I'd try and find some clothes for myself. In one shop, I tried on two pairs of jeans, two tshirts and one shirt. In another, I tried on a tshirt and a shirt. I came out of both shops with nothing. I DON'T KNOW WHAT SUITS ME. At all. Jen said she'd happily be my stylist after I asked her to be, one day when she's not working and I'll definitely be taking up that offer. Hopefully it's soon.

After my dismal clothes shopping experience, I went to buy a mirror. It was to replace the one that I smashed in August last year when I was a tiny lot more than tipsy. My mum wasn't really sure what one she wanted and some are very expensive, which is why I was only just getting one now. After that, I went home.

I tried to put the mirror up, but liquid nails wouldn't do the job. It kept slipping down the wall.

Upon trying to play my new CD on my PC, it wouldn't work. Winamp couldn't find the tracks, Media Player couldn't find the tracks, even Windows Explorer couldn't find the tracks when I manually opened up the CD. What is more frustrating is the fact that nowhere on the CD does it say anything about the CD not being able to play on a PC. That really annoyed me.

I watched the two hour premier of 24 tonight on Sky One, as did my mum. What a great show that is. Such a good show!

In the middle of it, we heard a huge bang come from upstairs. "That's the bed...", my mum said, referring to Laura's new bed that she'd had for less than a month. Ten minutes later and Laura came downstairs, holding a piece of splintered wood. It was indeed the bed, now broken. "I need a metal one", she said. She said all she did was go to the toilet, come back and sit down on it and it broke. But, Chris lays on that bed too and he's a fucking huge bastard. Not exactly fat, but just big. So maybe he broke it, accumulatively and Laura sitting on it was just the last push.

Obviously I feel sorry for Laura not having a bed again, but I couldn't help but laugh to myself, thinking of Chris laying on that bed as it broke. Karma.

So, my mum has to go to town tomorrow to buy a metal bed. A metal one will be expensive. I bet Laura has a renewed sense of hatred for me now and Chris will too. But fuck him, this time it's his fault, not mine. So ha. It makes me think really, whether it was my friend's fault to begin with that broke the last bed. Maybe it was Chris who broke that one too and my friends laying on it when it was ready to break was just an unfortunate event. It's a thought. Nothing can excuse the rooting through Laura's drawers of course though, not that anyone is going to own up for that.

I talked to Jen again after I'd watched 24. I hope we become good friends, it'd be nice to make some new ones who share a load of my interests. And since she works in town, maybe I could go see her now and then when I get out of college, just to say hi, before I go home.

My last bit of news is the fact that on Friday night, I was looking at Liverpool Philharmonic's website. I needed their logo for a project I wanted to do. While looking, I saw that Ludovico Einaudi was playing at the end of February. I really like his stuff. He's an Italian pianist and his music is so beautiful. I really want to go and see him. So much so, that I intend to go book a ticket for myself. �20 it is, which isn't that bad. It'd be something I know I'd enjoy, for once. Something exciting. Going the pub and getting pissed is not exciting. Going to see a composer play beautiful music is.

Of course, none of my friends would be up for something like that, which means I'm going to have to go on my own. It's not that I particularly mind, but it would be nice to have someone sitting next to me to talk to now and then. You know, share in the experience. I told Jen about it and she said that she has a �60 bill to pay so it's not like she could come even if she wanted to. I'm kind of hoping that if we met up again in a week or two to go shopping for my clothes together and we get on, then I'd quite happily pay for her ticket too if it meant that we'd both be able to enjoy it. The problem with waiting two weeks though is that I don't know how long the tickets will be available for. I don't know how popular a guy he is in Liverpool. I don't want them all selling out on me and then I can't even go on my own. So, I can either book this week and go on my own, or wait a week or two and risk not being able to go at all. What do I do?

I've never been to a classical concert before. It's something I've always wanted to do. The thing I'm actually most worried about is the fact that as of right now, my attire for the evening would be a pair of jeans and a tshirt. Hardly classical concert stuff is it! This is why I need someone to bloody come shopping with me. I want to look smart for once. I want to feel comfortable in some nice clothes.
