Who is Scarlet?
As you may of noticed my diary was locked yesterday, but I need to unlock it for a day or two to get a message out to someone, since you've kind of put me in a weird position.

This is a chat I had with Stan:

[20:41:31] killswitch: hay neil u missed a good night last night
[20:41:42] Neil: Why, what happened?
[20:42:37] killswitch: well i meet Ed's kid
[20:44:14] killswitch: and a girl called ckarlit
[20:44:32] killswitch: do u no her coz she nos u?
[20:44:53] killswitch: skarlit**
[20:45:10] killswitch: r u there????????????
[20:45:14] Neil: Yeah
[20:45:21] Neil: Sorry, what were you saying
[20:45:33] Neil: Scarlet? I know of no Scarlet? Explain more
[20:45:44] killswitch: do u no some girl called skarlit?
[20:46:40] killswitch: well she was at labatos last night and she nos more about u then me, jamie, davi
[20:47:19] Neil: Right, time to get on the phone instead of here. Can I call you?

Apparantly, you (Scarlet) went up to my friends and said you knew them because you read my diary and how you couldn't read it no more because it was locked. Now while I have no problems with you yourself reading it (I'll even give you the password if you ask), I do kind of have a problem with you telling my friends about it. Stan is now very curious about it and I'm worried that he'll find out about it and I really don't want him or any of my friends reading it. I've asked him to promise that if he does stumble across it, that he please not read it, as it's personal, but I don't hold much hope that he will keep to his word. The same goes for Jamie too, who already knows about my picture archive.

So, if you could, can you please get in touch with me on MSN or email, as I'd like to know what you said to them. I realise you probably didn't have any bad intentions, but I fear that curiosity may get the better of my friends because of you and if my friends start reading, then this diary will most definitely remain locked and I don't want that. Please get in touch with me, so that I may possibly relock this diary again, once you've got this message. Thanks.
