Scribble scribble...
WELL, as I am sure you all know *chokes* I am not the most inspired diary entry writer, and will be less so in someone else's diary, but I'm writing here in a fit of loyalty to the fact that he just told me about this thing on msn and I'd feel bad if I didn't scribble something down. This would be in between realising that I miss diaryland more than I thought I did, noticing that lots of people have updated and I haven't looked at their entries and of course fiddling about in the CPU draining paint shop pro and as usual making a mess of it. Which puts me in an odd mood and also makes me ramble. Plus my eyes have gone all strange and I can't really see very well. Probably from the stupid french department television. Damn you Monseir Bonhomme. *coughs* Any way. Should this be vaguely related to Neil? it probably should shouldn't it? Well, since I can't think of anything particularly relevant to any one other than a few of my friends (the message to them is this: "not a pervert really"), I will prattle on about the wonders of having someone who is BETTER AT COMPUTER STUFF THAN YOU and also willing to give you cute little tutorials over remote access (which I hadn't ever used before, and freaked a few people out no end). Everybody will bow in wonder at my fantastic flash skills *chokes again*. Hm...

Now I'm seriously running out of things to say and will just shut up. I conclude, I cannot see and am starting to feel a little dizzy and so this will make very little sense. Not only losing her eye sight, but also losing her sanity. Aparently. Enjoy.

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