I didn't go to college on Friday. I woke up and my legs were aching from the day before. This surprised me, since usually the pain is just when I'm actually walking. It's never had any long lasting effects before. I'm guessing this is because I seriously pushed myself to get to the Tate.

By Saturday evening, I could feel a cold coming on. My mum has had one all of last week so I guess it's passed on to me. Her's is gone now. I still have it as well, and all of this coughing is killing my throat, along with all the other symptoms of the flu.

Yesterday, I went to the CAB (Citizen's Advice Bureau) with Rod. It wasn't all that helpful really. The reason we went there was for advice about what I'm actually entitled to financially, if I were to have my own place. The woman said that I wasn't really entitled to very much and didn't sound very optimistic about my chances of 'surviving' financially.

Rod on the other hand can be pretty damn annoying, as I found out today. He's way too "Oh well" about everything, you know what I mean? The kind of person who, after someone else has a setback says "Oh well"...as if that helps somehow? He seems blind to the fact that it doesn't look very possible, me and having a place to live and seems content to suddenly forget about the fact that the CAB had just told us I'm not entitled to much. That doesn't really explain his personality very well, but I did/do prefer Olga, as she seems a lot more level headed. Rod is just a bit too happy go lucky for me, doesn't help as much and because I had a cold and was feeling crappy, I couldn't really be arsed with his optimistic remarks about everything so I kept questioning him, saying stuff like why/how I couldn't do something and give him a reason as well. It's all well and good being an optimist, but I'd rather be a realist about things.

The woman said that in order to get a proper idea of how much housing benefit I'd be entitled to, that I should first go find somewhere where I like the look of. Once I've done that, she said I should then tell the council about it and they'd tell me how much I'd be entitled to. She said if I were to go for somewhere with all kind of luxuries, then obviously the coucil would only pay so much, but if I shared with other people, they'd pay the whole amount. Still though, I don't think that it's going to be easy at all to do this. It's not looking good. Olga worked out how much everything would be a few weeks ago and on paper, it looked great. It looked like I could do it, but I think her estimates were very conservative. On paper, she said I would need about �320 to live on each month. That includes everything. Doesn't sound that much to me, how about you? Does that sound about right to you? Do you think that �320 would cover all of my expenses every month? This includes things such as gas, electricity, water, rent, food, travel costs to college and who knows what else. Tell me if you think otherwise and how much you think it'd be for me to live in shared accomodation and be able to pay all neccessary bills and costs. I realise that different places would have different rent, but I'm guessing the average rent somewhere would be about �50-�60 a week. But since I don't have much of a clue about this, maybe somewhere out there knows better. If so, let me know.

After spending two hours in the CAB, Rod and I talked outside for a few minutes. He said that he'd take me to see some places next week, some accomodations to see what I thought and get an idea of how much the rent would be.

After that, I done some shopping for my mum and returned home. I felt like going back to bed, but didn't, because I knew I wouldn't get up for college in the morning but that's definitely not happening now. I don't feel like sitting in that room for seven hours while I feel like this. On a good day I don't feel like sitting there, because it's so boring most of the time. I'm really disappointed with this course to be honest. I want to hit the ground running, as it were, but none of my tutors are letting me. I think it's crap that even though I know that I have at least some talent, that they're not allowing me to develop it because it doesn't fit in with their schedule. I feel that I'm going to have to wait till at least January to really get going on something worthwhile.

Our first project has supposedly already started but you'd never know. I mean for one, we haven't been given a brief of what we're actually meant to do for the project and two, even when I do get the chance to complete the requested work, I'm then unable to progress onto the next thing because everyone else isn't ready to do so. Personally I think that's unfair, just like it would be unfair if I was the dumbest person in the class and everyone else had to wait for me to finish. How's that fair on me or them? I just feel like I'm being enclosed on this course, yet I have no option but to continue with it, because it'll give me the portfolio of work I need to show clients and the qualifications to show to them as well, and/or go to university with them.

I need to go for that blood test sometime this week, though I don't think it'll show anything. Oh, yeah, thankyou to the person who posted the information about the lactic acid and lack ATP in my legs. I found it very helpful and I appreciate it. I do however, have some questions and if you read this, would appreciate you getting in touch with me. My email address is possiblydangerous at hotmail.com.

That's it for now.
