My C drive is very much in need of a format. I can't do this because I don't have a compatible CD drive which Windows will install the generic drivers for when I come to reinstall.

I bought a CD drive specifically for this problem around five months ago from Tony and he fitted it for me. However, it's never worked properly. For the past three months, I've asked him time and time again would he please come and look at it or take it back to where he got it from and get me a replacement, since it's from some guy he knows who runs a computer hardware shop. He hasn't done so.

Now, even though my computer is 'working', it's not working fast and efficiently and this is annoying me. It's annoying me that even though I've asked him nicely for the past three months to come and fix/replace the drive I paid him for, he has yet to do so. And now I need it. I've text him, but he's yet to reply to it. If he doesn't, i'm going to call him tomorrow and see what he's going to do about my problem.

In other news, the wasps nest is still very much there. I had the pleasure of seeing five crawling on my window when I woke up today. I haven't got a damn clue how they're getting in. I'm assuming that there's a whole somewhere around my window, but I can't see it.

For the past week or so, I've been slowly but surely working on a portfolio of my work. It's semi-professional looking. That is to say it's not got tons of flashy graphics and it doesn't have the generic 'About me' section you'll see on most personal websites. It's specifically about my work. Everything from Photoshop, Illustrator and websites, to photography and drawing. I'm about 70% finished visually and 20% finished coding. Hopefully it should all be completed within the next week or two.

I've tried a few times to get a portfolio up and running, but it's never worked because I get bored of the design or can never be bothered finishing it. This time, however, it's looking like it's on the right track to be finished so i'm pleased.

I've been texting Hana a lot recently. She's settling into university in Scotland well. I'm really glad that she got herself a mobile phone so that even though she doesn't have net access, we can still talk to each other.

And finally, I am no longer talking to Sasha. I decided to block and delete her from MSN after feeling that it was for the best. Why? Because I felt that it was hard work talking to her, as if I had to make myself do it. I feel that we have nothing in common. I feel that I only like her physically and if she were to come here again, that would be the only reason why. She said she was ok being 'fuck buddies', and I admit that that sounds like a nice idea, but even the thought of the sex doesn't outweigh me not getting on with her as well as I'd like to. I feel that she's too immature and definitely emotionally unstable. I feel that we don't have anything in common.

I was absolutely honest with her about how I was feeling, but she still doesn't get it. I spelt it out, saying that the only reason I would want her here again is the sex, which is wrong. She disagreed though. She said that we got on well together when she was here and to an extent, we did, but it wasn't what I would call anything special enough to justify doing it again, even with the thought of the sex.

Over the weeks and months, I've found it so very hard to keep talking to her, but I've done it because I wanted to give her a chance. I done it because I wanted to be more open. I feel that I'm better off out of her life though. She asked me not to stop talking to her because everyone is supposedly leaving her and I feel bad that I've had to do this, but I know that by taking myself out of her life, she will feel better. I felt that I was causing her too much sadness by not being able to be what she wanted me to be. I guess I don't know how to be her friend. It just proved too hard. She was making me feel depressed too with some of the things happening in her life. I can only take so much of it before I have to stop.

So yeah, I've stopped talking to her. I feel bad because I know she might think she 'needs' to talk to me, but I know that in a month or two, she'll of forgotten about me and she'll be able to find someone who can better suit her.
