On Wednesday night, there was a knock on the front door. It was Gary, here to pick my mum up. She was still getting ready though so he came in the living room where I was sitting. I get the strong impression that he's uncomfortable around me, or perhaps it's just because he's not used to being in my house. He's only been here twice.

I sat down and began watching TV, but he came over to me.

"Neil, I need some things doing", he said. I perked up.
"Ok, sure"
"I need you to make me a piece of paper with the shop's address on and the contact details and..."
"A letterhead"
"Yeah, a letterhead"
"Ok, yeah I can do that"
"And also, I need you to make the same kind of thing, but with boxes on it for an order form thing"
"You'll have to show me what you mean, I'll get you some paper"

So I did and he drew it out for me and I understood.

"Yeah, no problem for both of them"
"Ok, great"
"I will have to charge you this time though", I said to him."
"Ok", he replied, in a kind of admittance tone of voice.
"Say, �35 for both of them?"
"Yeah. But for that I want a ream of paper yeah?"
"Yeah, sure, of course"

So, easy �35 for me. I made what he wanted that night. However, after more thought, I realised that printing them off myself would not be a good idea, as it would mean I was using my own ink and my own paper and not getting any expenses for doing so. I had already used up all of my colour ink on his business cards and now I would be using up all of the black ink too. I decided against printing them off and when I see Gary, I'll tell him if he wants me to print them off then he'll need to either buy me the ink and paper needed or I can give him a copy of the designs and he can print them himself.

As Tony rightly said to me the other week, if someone is asking you to not only design but print the stuff off as well, then you need to be compensated for that. I don't think Gary realises this and stuff in general about the business that i'm in. And, just like the business cards, he didn't mention anything about paying me. It was only the fact that I mentioned it to him.

Whichever option he chooses, it still means i'm at least �35 better off. Highlight of my day.

Yesterday, however, was not such a good day.

I went to bed around 2:30am which is fine for me, as I know that as long as I get four hours sleep, I'll be fine for the following day. Four hours sleep is the absolute minimum I need in order to feel as if I can get through the day.

I woke up at 5am and couldn't get back to sleep.

I tossed and turned for the next two hours, before I had to get up and get ready to go to college, even though I was feeling pretty crap and very tired.

On the way to town on the train, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep somehow. It was one of those awake-but-sleeping kind of sleeps. When the train pulled into town, I got off very reluctantly and trudged my way into a shop to get a drink, falling asleep while doing so and starting to notice the fact that I was getting a bit of a migraine.

I carried on towards Sayers and got my breakfast and while I was eating it felt worse and worse. I didn't really feel up to going to college, even though I was twenty minutes walk from it now. By the time I had finished eating, I had decided not to go and to go home instead.

First of all though, since Furniture Gone Mad is right by where I was, I decided to stop off there first just to see if Gary was happy with what I'd designed. By this time though, it was only 8:50am and Laura wasn't even there yet to open up the shop. She arrived five minutes later and when she asked me why I was at the shop instead of college I said I wasn't feeling that good and that I was going home after I'd talked to Gary.

I stayed in the shop till 9:10am, but Gary didn't turn up so I decided to go home and get back in bed. I slept till around 4pm.

The same thing happened last night. I ended up waking up at 5am again this morning and couldn't get back to sleep and so therefore, I've not gone in again today. Thankfully however, it's not like i'm missing anything important, although i'm sure my tutors won't like the fact that i'm absent. Actually, some might not be that bothered because they know i'm capable of anything they're currently going to throw at me.

For the past three or four weeks now, there has been a WASPS NEST on the roof of this house. Since my room is in the loft, all I have to do is look out of my window and less than four metres from me is a horde of wasps, entering and exiting a hole in the roof, where the gutter meets the slates. Somehow, even when my window is closed they're managing to get in.

I didn't complain about it to my mum though, since I thought that they'd just go on their own. However, Laura did two weeks ago and my mum called an exterminator out. That night, one managed to get into Laura's bed and sting her.

Last Monday, he came and sprayed some insecticide, but it didn't do nothing. If anything, it made it worse. He came back this morning and sprayed it again. This time, since I was awake, I directed him as to where the nest was and once again, he sprayed the insecticide. Again though, it seems to of simply made them angry and there's now loads of them flying about outside my window and managing to get in my room somehow.

It's not like i'm scared of them, but I don't particularly like things crawling all over my fucking room!

My only weapon against these bastards is a can of air freshener. A strange weapon, I know, but it works. It brings them to the ground long enough for me to trap them in a glass and then kill them. But who knows how many wasps are in that nest. They're only going to keep coming and coming until the nest itself is dealt with.

I asked the guy how long it'd take for the nest to die off. He said a day at most. To me though, that nest looks pretty damn alive and it's annoying me that I have to keep killing a wasp every five minutes. I'm also worried that the same thing will happen to me as it did with Laura and I'll end up with wasps in my bed. Not nice.