I suppose it's about time I make an entry in this diary after not doing so for quite a few days now. The reason why I haven't been updating as often as I usually do is because I've been going out every night and pulling girls in clubs.


I've just haven't been bothered enough to write an entry, that's all.

Here's a brief recap of all of the 'important' events so far this week:

Monday made me want to chop Ed's head off for being a difficult little bitch. Over the past week or two, I have had to do some key skills work and last Monday, he said that this Monday, he would have some work for me which I really needed to do. Did he have it? No. He makes such a point of me coming in to collect it, but when I turn up, he doesn't have it.

Then, I needed to see Brian about my IT key skills so Ed accompanied me to Brian's classroom. Brian was in there, teaching a class. Ed kept looking through the window to find him. You could hear his voice though, I knew he was in there. "Go in, Ed", I told him. He wouldn't just fucking walk in to a classroom to get him. It annoying me a lot. He's a teacher for god's sake. I would of walked in, but I know that Brian would either complain that I was interrupting or say that he didn't have time. "Ed, come on, just go in will you!", I kept saying to him, but he wouldn't. Instead he said "Well you can wait here till he comes out, can't you?"

Fucking hell. I wasn't going to wait there till 4pm when his class was over when it was only 2:30pm. I only needed five minutes of Brian's time. Infact, it wasn't even me who needed to see him, it was Ed. Ed just decided to walk off on me. In the end, I decided to ask a completely random tutor walking past to go in Brian's room and tell him I was outside. Thankfully Brian came out and Ed suddenly reappeared and talked to him about the key skills thing.

Brian didn't have a clue that he was supposed to be doing stuff with me for IT key skills. There is SUCH a lack of communication between my tutors it's unbelievable. When me and Brian were in the staff room, he agreed with me that Ed is an awkward little shit. Not in so many words, of course.

Tuesday was spent doing maths key skills in the library. So much key skills work. PLUS it's only for fucking level 1! That's not even a GCSE C grade! Level 1 is a D-G grade. Where's the incentive to actually do the work if i'm not even going to achieve a decent grade from it, no matter how hard I work at it?

Tuesday morning was spent in the darkroom making prints. I hate everything to do with developing and printing. I hate the darkroom. I hate printing. I hate all the little modifications you have to make to get a decent print. I had to do it though for this stupid 'Application of Number' key skill. It was annoying me so much and I was very thankful once I had completed it all.

Wednesday was no better, although it did start off great.

As I was walking to college, a girl was walking towards me. I had seen her before when I was taking my maths and IT tests last week. I think she's really pretty. As she and I got closer, she looked at me and smiled as she walked past me. I was so surprised at what had just happened that I didn't have time to actually think about smiling back before she had walked past me. It left me feeling good for a while though.

But of course, such good feelings don't last and by the end of Wednesday, I was just as frustrated as I was at the beginning of the week. Ed finally gave me the work I had to do for my communication key skills (which is basically english), and I was also doing work for maths and IT from Brian. So I had three lots of work which people kept giving me.

I finished the work for maths and gave it to Alan. "I've got some bad news for you", he said. "There is a big possibility that we may of missed the deadline for this", referring to my work that I'd just spent about a week on altogether. He said that he had key skills work from higher level students which the examiner had sent back and said that the work was "too perfect" and wanted to actually see more shoddy work. Rough notes, plans etc. Hey examiner, amazingly, people CAN get SIMPLE things right the FIRST time you know. Fucking hell. He agreed with me that it was pathetic, but that there was nothing he could do about it.

However, as he said, the level i'm at is only level 1 which is only a D-G so it's hardly worth anything anyway. However, next year when i'm with Brian, I'll be able to do level 3, which is A level stuff. He kept the work that I had done and he said he was going to try and submit it but he was not confident. I went to tell Ed this but he disagreed, saying do it anyway because it will help me. No it fucking won't. It's useless shit. What's the point in doing work that you're not going to get anything for?

I was meant to go in today at 9am but didn't because I was feeling incredibly tired. I've been going in at 1pm all this week.

Amazingly, as I was on my way to college, I seen the same girl as I did yesterday in almost exactly the same spot. She looked at me, but this time didn't smile. I didn't smile at her either, but I did want to. I'm just too bloody scared when it comes to actually interacting in that way. I just don't know how to do it.

Once in Brian's lesson, he was about to sit down with me and tell me about what I had to do for key skills. I had already done some for it, which I was going to show him, but I had to go and find Ed. Today was the day when I was supposed to be putting all of my work up on the walls for this show that's going on next week. It's basically a chance for everyone to show off their work to parents. I'm not going to be going the show and although I will offer my mum the chance to go, I doubt she will want to and I don't blame her. She's not exactly into art, and why pay out to get to town to go look at all of that art if you're not even into it? It'd be pointless. Even I wouldn't do that, which is why I don't intend on turning up to see it all.

Ed went on and on about these STUPID FUCKING key skills. All I wanted to do was go back home, but I had to put all of my work on black card and put it all on the wall. However, I then realised that I didn't actually have that much final work to put up. I had my final major project stuff, but as for coursework, there was hardly anything worth displaying. I started putting the work up at around 1:40pm, but by 2:30pm, I really couldn't be arsed and told myself I could do it on Monday instead. It was supposed to of been done this morning, but since I wasn't in...

So now i'm back home waiting for the England V Switzerland match to begin. I've been waiting for this all week!

Tomorrow, i'm supposed to be meeting Sarah. She said she wants to meet up or rather, I asked if she would like to and she said yes. Of course, she'll probably say she can't meet either tonight or tomorrow so i'm not getting my hopes up.

Someone whose hopes will no doubtedly be a bit dashed tomorrow is Dave. Both Jamie and Fisher have said that they're not going to go to his party. I think that's a little mean personally. Fisher says that he's going to Manchester for the weekend and Jamie says that he doesn't have the money to get there and back. I'm not sure if Stan is going but I will. I just hope that it isn't just me going because I'll be bored out of my mind at the best of times. I hope he's not too downhearted when no one actually turns up. Bastards! I just think that it's almost obligatory to go to your mate's birthday bash, surely?

30 minutes to kick off. Come on England!

I really love the World Cup and the European Cup. I love the fact that wherever I go, there's loads of St. George's crosses flying. I don't know why, but I think it's great that everyone gets very patriotic. It's weird really, since many other countries are this patriotic on a daily basis, it's just England who aren't. Perhaps it makes it that little bit more special though.

My room is an absolute mess right now. I keep telling myself that I will clean it today. Then today becomes tomorrow etc. It really needs a good hoover and all round clean. Every time I walk to college, I pass quite a few shops that have really nice stuff for bedrooms. I know exactly how I would like my bedroom if I actually had the money to redecorate it all. I have it perfectly pictured in my mind. I just need the money to actually do it which i'm not going to get any time soon. Any money that I do have always goes on travel to college and by the end of the week, I have literally less than �1. I can never afford to buy ANYTHING at all. A CD, a game. Just something nice for myself. Every single bit of money I have is gone by the end of the week. It really gets me down too because sometimes I would really like to go in a shop and buy something. It might not even be that expensive either, but as I said, at the end of the week, i'm left with less than �1. It's crap.

Over summer, I intend to get a job. Definitely. I have always said that I couldn't do a job AND college at the same time, but since I won't have college over the summer, I will be able to do a job without feeling under a lot of pressure. I'll be able to have at least a little bit of money then. It won't be enough to do something like redecorate my room, but maybe I could buy something nice for myself now and again.

I don't want for much at all, in terms of possesions. I'm really easy to please when it comes to most things. The only things I need are clothes. It would be nice to buy some nice clothes. I want a jacket. I saw one I liked for �80. Not going to be getting that any time soon though, sadly.

Right, 15 minutes to kick off. Enjoy the match if you're watching it.
