Weird night last night. So many mishaps.

I spent the night working on my FMP (final major project) stuff and, since I had given in and bought my ink cartridge, I was now able to print off the corporate manual in colour myself, along with a set of business cards to stick down on a piece of A2 paper, along with the logo, letterhead and envelope.

I also had to design a front cover for all of my work. I didn't actually start doing the work till about 1am though which is a bit stupid of me.

By 3am I had done everything I needed to do and I just needed to cut the manual to size and stick the envelope and business cards down. I went downstairs to do that, since my bedroom was now a mess of paper and stationery. I laid the A2 paper out on the kitchen table and stuck everything onto it. By 5am I had cut the manual and the cards to size and stuck them all down. I ate, and made myself some tea, before sitting down by the mounted work and looking over it while I drank the tea.

And then what did I do?

As I went to reach for something, I managed to knock over a WHOLE cup of tea which was RIGHT by my work. It was like slow motion. I watched as the tea started to rush towards the mounted work and I moved it as quickly as I could, but the tea had already caught up to it and the paper was now wet. Luckily, it had not managed to get any of my work, but it had got the mounting paper itself. I paniced, making sure everything was ok and then I noticed that it had stained the letterhead slightly which unfortunately meant that I had to pull it off and print off another one.

I wiped up the tea and then filled the kettle again to make myself another, not realising that I hadn't even opened the lid of the kettle to fill it and so all of the water went over me. What the fuck was wrong with me?! I then managed to hit my foot on a stool.

I placed the mounted work in front of the fire for it to dry and went upstairs to print off another letterhead but by this time, I was incredibly tired so I decided to get a shower, print the letterhead off and go to bed, even though I now only had 2 hours of sleep before I had to get up at 7am.

When 7am came of course, I didn't get up, instead going back to sleep till 4pm. Yeah, clever.

I got up, stuck the new letterhead down and all I need to do now is staple the manual together then stick that to the mounted work as well, which I'll do tomorrow when I WILL go to college. I have to. Ed was moaning at me about something or other. Apparantly Alan, my photography teacher has important information that I need. So I'll be going tomorrow and I can give Ed the work then.

I seem to be texting a lot lately. Mostly it's to Sarah, but also to one or two other people. It's really weird having a mobile, since i'm so used to talking to people online.

Hana found out that I was the sender of the mystery Furnians. Yes, I realise no one has a clue what I just said, so, if you'd like to divert your attention over here and you'll see just what a Furnian is.

Three weeks ago, me and Dave were in Stationery Box and we happened to pass a rack with a pack of furballs in and right next to it was a pack of stick on eyeballs. And then an idea came to mind. I was going to make aliens and send them to people!

Yes, I realise this isn't your every day thing to do, but I don't care.

Once home, I made three of them. The ones you see in that picture.

I then thought about making up an entire story behind them, and that's when I came up with the name for them, Furnians! From the planet Furnia. I also realised that I only actually had two people's addresses, Hana's and Katie's, which meant they were the two people who would be recieving a Furnian.

The first one I sent each person was the little tiny one you see in the picture. I sent one of those to Katie and Hana, but I decided that it would be anonymously to look as if they had 'really' come from outer space. I know it sounds silly, but it was fun. I enclosed a letter with the Furnian, saying he had crash landed and he had produced the letter on his computer, since he had no arms and hands!

Oh, and if you're thinking how did he use the computer...telepathy of course!..duh. Such a normal, every day Furnian thing.

I even went to the trouble of printing the envelopes so neither of them could recognise my handwriting. All that was enclosed was the letter and the Furnian. Nothing identifying me. I posted them both on a Thursday.

On the Saturday:

[11:25:08] Coffee + Hana = Science: L..m..f...a...o

[11:25:16] Coffee + Hana = Science: NEILY

[11:25:19] Coffee + Hana = Science: get up!

[11:25:36] Coffee + Hana = Science: I am SURE it was you who sent me ReeBee, but i cant be quite sure

[11:25:38] Coffee + Hana = Science: but if it was

[11:25:42] Coffee + Hana = Science: i love you x 034803845

And I was so happy she'd found it amusing. Of course, I didn't tell her it was from me, infact, I kept denying it, acting surprised when she told me.

Reebee is the name of the Furnian I sent her, by the way.

The next week, I sent her another one, this time, slightly bigger. It's name was Commander Eslaf, and he was responding to Reebee's distress call lol. Again, she loved it and still thought it was from me.

And then yesterday, I sent her one more, this time the big yellow one you seen in the picture. His name was Emporer...something. And he wanted to come thank Hana personally for offering her hospitality to the crashed Furnians :D

However! Today:

[19:47:41] Hana: I GOT ANOTHER FURNIAN

[19:47:41] Hana: AND

[19:47:43] Hana: I know it was you sending them

[19:47:56] No Surprises: Why do you think I am sending them hmmmm?

[19:48:01] Hana: postage mark ;)

[19:48:06] Hana: liverpooowl

[19:48:24] No Surprises: You figured it out yay lol :p

[19:48:28] Hana: LOL!!!

[19:48:33] Hana: I knew it was you all along XD

[19:48:37] Hana: well i guessed it was

[19:48:41] No Surprises: That was the only clue which I couldn't hide.


Yup, the only clue I couldn't hide was the postmark. I'm the only person from Liverpool she knows so it had to be me. I still intend to send her them though!

If anyone would like me to send them a Furnian, email me with your address and I'll send you one. You have a choice of six colours: Yellow, red, green, blue, black and white. You have a choice of two sizes: small and medium. There's a large yellow one for the first person who emails me asking for one. Oh, and if you want more than one, that's fine too! Pick and mix :)

Time for some toast.
