The past two nights have been spent designing an Ignite Design website. Last night, I put the finishing touches on it and it's now ready for your viewing pleasure.

Do tell me what you think.

I showed it to the group yesterday. They liked it, especially of course, my friends who are on it.

I was up till around 5am this morning doing pretty much nothing. I was up that late because I hadn't gotten up early yesterday, in preparation for another week at college and it screws my sleeping patterns up to no end.

When the time came for me to actually get up and go to college, I decided against it and fell back asleep. I had set my alarm again for 11am instead and I went in in the afternoon instead.

Even though it wasn't even midday yet, the sun was shining fully, and it was incredibly hot. It was actually very pleasant, except for that heat. I can't stand the heat. I get hot easily. It doesn't help when you're dumb enough to wear a black jacket made of moleskin. It gets quite hot.

I stopped off at Stationery Box to get some glue, before heading to college by which time the sweat was pouring off me.

Once there, I said hi to Ed.

"Where've you been?"
"I didn't feel well. I still don't", I told him, since I actually did. I only just managed to get out the house, but I knew that I had to come in today so I could get a fair bit of work done in the three hours I had.

I had a lot of research to stick down still so I got to work on that. After a while, the group came back from lunch and I said hi to everyone and they all carried on doing their work too. Everyone's pretty much ready to hand all of their stuff in now. Everyone was mounting their final pieces onto backing paper.

Ed called me and Craig, another guy on my course over to him to talk about the key skills which we'll be doing after half term. He told us what we'd have to do for them and it's pretty straight forward. One problem I did have though was the fact that for one of the key skills, it asks for proof that you've taken part in a straight forward discussion. Well we haven't done that. Ed said just make it up, but I don't see why I should have to do that when he could give us something to do that we've actually done for real. I don't like making stuff up, it's much harder than if I've actually done it. However, all he said he wants is a few bullet points of information so it should be pretty easy, although I see it as completely pointless. There were other issues too which I raised, which you could tell he didn't like because I actually had an opinion contrary to his.

After we'd discussed the key skills, I asked him to then have a look at my evaluation, which I had written over the weekend. I tried to make it as detailed as possible and explain why I did everything I did. It ended up being 3500 words over six pages. I was happy with it.

I gave it to Ed to read, as I sat there closely watching his expression as his eyes were on the page. After a paragraph or so, he put the copy on the table and took out his pen.

"Ah!", I said, in an awkward voice.
"Do you have to mark it? It just looks so nice unmarked."

And he continued to mark it. It wasn't anything major, though, but rather things like I may of missed out a capital letter for Minimalism (art movement).

Amazingly, however, he did actually tick paragraphs. I found this strange really. Almost patronising in a way. I don't know why.

He asked a few questions throughout reading it all of which I answered immediatly and clearly.

Pam came over after a while. Ed looked up.

"You ok here Ed?", she said.
"Yeah. Very comprehensive document".

Pam turned to me.

"That means he likes it"

And it did indeed mean he liked it. It's not often you get some sort of approval from Ed so even though technically it's not praise, 'comprehensive' is probably as best you're gonna get out of him so I took it as a compliment.

When he got to the part about the envelope I had to create, it says:

"I knew that the size of a standard envelope which most businesses use was a DL size"

"What's the size of a DL envelope?", he asked. He didn't ask out of interest, but to see if he could slip me up.
"110mm by 220mm", I replied straight after.

You don't know how much satisfaction I get when he does that to me and i'm able to give him the right answer, even though he thinks i'm going to be unable to give it. I love the look on his face.

He done it to me at the presentation too.

"So, is that pantone coated or uncoated?", he asked me, thinking I wouldn't know the difference.

Once he'd read through the evaluation, he said it was fine (even though he'd just marked the fuck out of it).

"So, there's about 1000 words there and...", he said before I interupted him.
"There's 3500 words there."

He looked a little amazed for a second.

He said it could count as one of the pieces of work I had to submit for my key skills.

I went back to sorting out the rest of my work, showing the group the website a while later.

Just as 4pm approached and everyone was getting ready to go home, I had managed to sort out pretty much everything I had except for my corporate manual and envelope which I still hadn't printed off in colour. I had been constantly asking Ed to find a printer for me and he went looking. He came back and said he'd found one. "Great", I replied. "But the door is locked and I don't have a key", he said. Yeah, how's that supposed to help me?

Ed thinks the world of black and white is fine for your FINAL WORK. It's fucking not by any standards. Would you like to see a colourful display of someone's work or black and white?


Since my graphic design company is all about colourfulness, I had designed business cards in many different colours. I told Ed this.

"Oh no, just use the one"
"Because you don't wanna use all of them"
"But I do"

I proceeded to argue with him about the advantages of doing so and why, but he wouldn't change his opinion. But screw him, i'm doing it anyway, because I know it'll look better. The same for the corporate manual, which he was very unhelpful with, by not finding a printer for me. That's going to be in full colour. NOT BLACK AND WHITE. My god if you only knew how much that annoys me.

I then went the library, after saying goodbye to Ed, with Dave to print off a copy of my proposal and screenshots of the Ignite Design website. I then went home on a train journey that usually takes twenty minutes. Today, it took me 50 minutes to get home. Stupid train problems.

Tonight, the only things left to do are make a few changes to the evaluation and design a front cover for all of my work and then that's me done! Final major project complete! Amazing. I can't believe I've managed to do it.

Because I've been out today, and I've been productive, I feel much better in myself than I have been doing so over the past few days. There's been a raincloud above my head since Friday, which has at least turned to just a dark cloud now. Although she doesn't read this diary as often as she once did, I want to thank you, Hana for being supportive as ever and making me laugh so much. You are the best.
