And so the race begins to get all of this work done.

I decided to jump the gun too and instead of beginning all of my work today, I stayed up till 7am working on more letterheads. I even decided to cancel meeting Sarah today, after arranging to meet her last night. I text her around 3am telling her that I had a ton of work to do and that I should really get on with it. That was actually pretty hard for me to do, since I quite wanted to meet up with her. But I realised that this is far more important.

I worked out a schedule for the work I have to do which, if I keep to it absolutely, will have me finishing all of my work by Thursday afternoon like it should be.

Here's the schedule:


4am - 6am

1) More roughs for my letterhead. (1-2 hours)

2pm - 4pm

2) Designs for letterhead (2 hours).


3) Select final letterhead and print off (20 minutes).

6pm - 8pm

4) Roughs for envelope. (2 hours)

8pm - 9pm

5) Put research on paper.

11pm - 1am

6) Designs for envelope. (2 hours)


7) Select final envelope and print off. (20 minutes)


2pm - 4pm

8) Roughs for corporate manual.(3-4 hours)

6pm - 9pm

9) Designs for corporate manual.(2-3 hours)

10pm - 1am

10) Put everything in the manual (3 hours)


10am - 11am

11) Write evaluation. (1 hour)

1pm - 1:30pm

12) Arrange all of my work for presentation. (30 minutes)

As you can see, there's a whole lot I have to do before Thursday. It's just gone 4pm and for the past three hours I've been working on the designs for the letterhead. I started an hour early, but finished at my scheduled time. The reason for this was something so stupid that it's unbelievable - I forgot to leave room for the recipient's address on the letterhead! Idiot. So I had to redesign them slightly for the address to fit in. I'd show you them, but they're not really that interesting to look at, especially on a computer screen.

I'm hoping that all of my estimates are right for the other items I need to do.

My mum has gone to town for a drink with Paul. She asked me if I needed anything so I took the oppurtunity to get some supplies. I intend to put all of my finished items onto a piece of A2 paper, along with some loose copies. I think it'll look nice all mounted. I doubt anyone else will be doing that, but I want to. I also don't think that I actually need to be producing the amount of design work that i'm doing. For example, I've done 7 roughs for letterheads and designed five of them, when really, I only need to choose one of the 7 roughs and design that. I'm glad I've done it my way though because it gives me the oppurtunity to show my tutors/the examiner that i'm capable of more than one idea.

Next up in two hours are my envelope roughs which should be fairly straight forward. I think I've overestimated the sketch time for them but I'd rather overestimate than underestimate.

I'm feeling pretty tired right now, since I went to bed at 7:30am after doing my work and got up again at 12:30pm, and began doing work again at 1pm. I'm hoping that I won't be too tired to do the rest of the work I have scheduled for today. If I was feeling absolutely awake, I could keep working well into the night, past 1am, which is my cut off time for today. I could get ahead of schedule. While i'm feeling tired already though, I doubt that will happen. Still, i'm currently hopeful that the way I've worked it out, I'll be able to complete everything on time. I even put my wallpaper as the schedule to remind me of what I have to do. It's actually reassuring seeing it, since I've placed ticks next to the things I've done and slowly, everything is being ticked. It makes me worry less.

I'm wondering how everyone else is doing with all of this. I think they have it a bit easier than me because I've looked at Jamie's work and although he's designing fairly the same things as me, he has a lot less work to show for it. Infact, although he is designing a logo and now has one, it was Pam that designed it, not him. Pam literally spent 30 seconds on it and then Jamie decided to keep it as his own. I guess that annoyed me slightly, since I've spent longer on my logo, making sure it was the right one. He also hasn't done as much research as me, although even I haven't done that much really.

It makes me both worried and relieved. Worried for Jamie, because i'm sure he doesn't want to redo this course as much as I do. But relieved because maybe the amount of work that he's produced is all that's required to pass this course and if so, then I'd pass easily. But, there is the possiblity that even the amount of work I've done won't be enough to pass and that's a problem I can no longer rectify. All I can do now is do what I've said I'd do and hope for the best.

The only person who I think has an excellent chance of passing is Leanne. I've seen her work too and her work is very good and there's lots of it and it's all relevant.

One thing which I don't understand is the lack of art history research anyone seems to of done besides Leanne, when Ed has told me that it's one of the most important aspects of the project. I've done some, which is better than nothing.

I'm wondering when I'll get my results back. I think it'll be in June sometime. Maybe? Rest assured, if I pass this course, I'll be very, very happy about it. It'll be the first time that I've actually completed a course, not to mention pass it! I dread to think about the opposite of passing.
