I went to bed at about 6am last night, even though I knew I was meeting Dave at 1pm.

When I woke up at 10:45am, I felt absolutely crap and wanted to stay in bed longer. However, after another 30 minutes of laying there, I finally got up and got ready to go. My overall mood was not a good one becaus of not having enough sleep, but I was determined not to call him up and cancel.

I made my way there and as I went through the ticket barrier, showed my bus/train pass (Trio).

"Hold up", I heard the guy say, as I walked through the stall, "Your finger's over the date, I couldn't see it". I walked back and showed him it again, my finger still partially covering the date.
"Oh, alright", he said and once again I went on my way.
"Hold on", he said once more and once again I walked back, this time removing my finger...

"Mate", he said sounding very surprised, "this is five months out of date!"

Yes, that's right, I've been using an expired pass since it ran out - 19th December 2003.

It's amazing though, it's taken five months for someone to realise it's not current and in that time I've dodged many a fare. I've been wondering how long I could get away with it and it looks like my time is up.

I was really worried he was gonna do something serious like fine me or report me. Something bad. However, he told me to go get a ticket instead. PHEW. For a moment I was pretty scared of what he'd do. I went to get the ticket and then went back to him and showed him as I walked through again and then up Bold St to meet Dave.

He was standing there absolutely soaked. You'd think he'd take shelter somewhere, but no. Standing there like a drowned rat, as we made our way back down Bold St. Our first stop was in Barclays, where, although I asked him to ask the bank teller if they have any business cards or letterhead paper, I ended up asking. Sadly, they had none.

Unfortunately, it was like that in many shops we went into. In one, they said they weren't allowed to give them out. In others they said they didn't have any. However, we did manage to get a few here and there. Mostly business cards, 4 in total. I got two pieces of letterhead paper as well from Lunn Poly and O2, along with an envelope from a jewellers and a compliments slip from Waterstones.

It's quite ironic what happened really. I mean, I wouldn't go into a shop and ask for them myself so I met up with Dave and he went in with me, and yet once in there, it was me who ended up asking. Well, the way it went was:

Dave: "Hiya, have you got any business cards?"
Blank look from the assistant.
Neil: "It's for a project we're doing in college. We need examples of business cards and letterhead paper."
Assistant: "OH yeah, hold on"

That's the way it went. Oh well, I got what I needed.

We went in a shop called Stationary Box, which is, as the name suggests a shop that sells stationary and I asked in there.

"If we've got any they should be over there", she said and pointed me in a direction. I went over to where she was pointing to find their business cards but all I could find were blank cards and paper and...doh, she thought I meant templates, not THEIR business cards! Of course, we then felt a fool and decided not to embarass ourselves by walking back up to the counter so we just looked as if we were interested in buying them for a while before leaving. I went home, Dave went back to college.

Once back home, I decided have a short sleep, since I wanted to be awake enough to get some work done a little later on. I woke up at 6:20pm and at 7pm, Laura wanted to go on the computer, which meant it was the perfect time to begin my work. I went downstairs to do it in the kitchen.

The first part was boring, since it only involved measuring and then drawing lines to get the shape of business cards onto my paper. After that I had 12 cards ready to be filled in with layouts. What I didn't realise was that it was taking a lot longer than I had expected it to.

This is the result of three hours work and i'm quite happy with it. I still need to annotate it, but for the most part, my business card roughs are out of the way. One thing that bothers me though is the fact that even though I've done 12 designs, it doesn't look all that much because they're all on one page, whereas the rest of the people in college may have two or three scattered about on one page and another page of them as well, which makes it look like they actually have more work than me, which is very untrue. I hope Ed is able to see this.

I've got until Monday to complete everything. I'm cutting it very very fine. I don't even have any final items yet!

Tomorrow I'll be going to Brian's multimedia lesson to show him my CD cover, my web journal and I'll also be taking all of my work in to show him. I also wanted to show him one extra thing, but it won't be ready yet so that'll have to wait. Still that should do, hopefully.

I feel pleased with myself today and last nigth because I've been productive. It makes me feel good when I accomplish something.
