I was talking to Katie before. I told her about my problem. She said the same as Kyla. And like I said in my previous entry, I think I knew what the decision would be to begin with. I just hope that it all turns out the way I want it to.

Thanks for the advice, Katie and Kyla.

So tomorrow will be just another day afterall.

And yes, like I said, I know that you won't have a clue what i'm going on about, but I can't write about it.

I'm disappointed. Actually, I guess i'm disappointed in myself. As Katie said, "You've changed". And I probably have. "A year ago you wouldn't of had to think about this", she said. And she's right.

If things don't turn out the way I want them to, then perhaps what should be happening tomorrow will happen anyway, but in the future instead.

A good song to listen to: Snow Patrol - Run
