Oh come on, I saw you. You weren't quick enough i'm afraid.

I know it was one of you that read my diary, who happened to shout to me, as I walked to college today, only to turn round and see you run around the corner. Yup, I saw you. I may not know who you are, but it's nice to know that you're getting a bit more brave. I had a smile on my face after you ran around the corner, as if i'm someone to run away from. So thanks for giving my otherwise pointless day a bit of a highlight. Feel free to run away again any time.

College itself was quite pointless. I had made myself go to college today in the hopes that it would be a productive day, but of course, what can go wrong will go wrong and after being let into the multimedia classroom by the head of the graphic design course, she then told us that Brian was off. She also said that she had been to see Louise, our photography teacher and she had said that we had work to get on with. We were a bit confused at this, since none of us did. There were muted nods of the heads as if to agree with her, that yes, we did have work to do, but you could see the look on everyone's faces that they didn't really. A look of puzzlement.

She went back to see Louise once more, and came back with her and Louise explained that since Brian wasn't in, that we should do a proposal for the design of the CD cover project we're currently doing. She wanted us to write about what kind of design we're going to do and why. I understood this, but since we are only in the rough draft stages of designing the cover, I didn't really understand what I was supposed to write about and neither did anyone else. Again, there were nods in agreement, but no one really knew what we were supposed to be doing.

We were told to go the library and work on our proposals in there, but after five minutes if walking around the bookshelves and everyone asking me what we were supposed to do, I suggested we go back and see Louise once more and ask her to explain again.

And so she did. Once again we went back to the library and got onto the computers, opening up Word and beginning our proposal. However, in the end, Jamie and Andrew decided to write theirs out, rather than type it. I was in the middle of them both, typing out my proposal. Jamie noticed how fast I was typing and he was amazed. Then Andrew noticed too. And then of course, because you have people looking at you, you always start making loads of mistakes.

After about 30 minutes, they had both finished their proposals, as had Stan. None of them had written more than half a sheet of A4 at best, whereas I was now on my second page using Word. They all went home after showing Louise their 'work' and soon after followed Leanne. Finally, after about 90 minutes typing, I had completed my proposal, but had to wait 15 minutes just to print it out, since someone seemed to be printing a fucking novel out, what with the amount of pages they were printing.

I took it back to Louise to show her. "Ah, I knew you'd be the last to finish", she said. Thankfully I knew this was a compliment, not an insult, meaning that I actually put some effort into what she had asked of us, unlike the rest. I handed her my proposal and she was amazed. "This is excellent, Neil", she said. "Thanks", I replied. I didn't think it was anything special really, but hey, if she does, i'm all up for it.

She scanned through it, commenting a few times on how good it was, before asking me why I hadn't got onto the higher level course, instead doing this lower one. I told her it was because of the fact that I was off a lot at school towards the end of the five years and that's why I failed miserably at my exam. "Well you're certainly capable of doing it, aren't you?", she asked. And yes, I know I am. She also mentioned the fact that I was headed for a distinction if my work kept at this standard. Personally, i'm not hoping for anything higher than a pass. I think she's giving me way too much credit. I don't think I can produce an entire folder of distinction worthy work.

I asked her if she knew where my photography folder was, as Alan had it and I wanted it back to scan some photos in, now that I have a new scanner. Thankfully, I found it.

She asked if I had an EMA form to sign. "No, sadly", I replied. She sigh. "See, you do all that work and you don't even get that", she said. She asked me if I could get a grant for travel expenses and I explained to her the most I could get was a bus pass, which, although helpful, wouldn't cover the cost of train fare, which is almost triple bus fare. She asked me did she want me to speak to someone in someplace or another about it and see what they could do. I said yes, thanked her and went home to scan my pictures.

And here they are. I can't be bothered linking them all individually. There's 20 altogether and they're high quality so you might have to wait a while if you're on 56k to download them.

I talked to the wonderful Hana tonight too and showed her them and she suggested turning one of them black and white. Excellent idea. I tried, and it looks great. Take a look. And also this one.

And now i'm going to collapse into my bed and go to sleep.
