Sorry I haven't been updating as much as I usually do. It's just that sometimes I don't really feel the need to write, since there is nothing to write about. The same could be said of this entry too.

Yesterday was your average day at college, with the highlight being let home two hours early because Pam had a meeting. As for the actual lesson, it mostly consisted of coming up with photographic ideas which will be used on the front of the CD cover, as part of the current project we're doing. That took up most of the morning and it was very boring, since I was confused and Ed didn't really help. Infact, everyone seems a little confused with this project.

At lunchtime, Jamie's girlfriend, Danielle came down to see him and joined us in the pub. It's amazing to see how well she gets on with him, considering he's so, well, completely perverted, whereas she doesn't seem half as much. I guess I kind of feel jealous too, when they're simply together. I wish I had that with someone.

And that brings me onto the subject of Vicky. The infamous girl Dave keeps going on about who he's trying to set me up with. I don't even particularly want to go down this route, as she's 15, which means not much maturity and she smokes, which is a major turn off for me. Also, I've yet to even see what she looks like, although Dave assures me that she is amazing, but as I've stated before, Dave tends to exaggerate. Having said this, after speaking to Paul - who finally resurfaced after god knows how long of being absent - he assures me that Dave is indeed telling the truth and to no exaggeration about how nice Vicky looks. Ginger/blonde hair, shorter than me, a 'very nice arse' as Paul put it, pale skin, and also big tits. Again, according to Paul. Then Dave just happens to mention that she has a boyfriend.

"Erm, if she has a boyfriend then why are you trying to set me up with her?", I asked him.
"Ah don't worry about him", he replies, "he's nothing to worry about".
"Yeah, you should see him", Paul chips in, "once she sees you she'll dump him".
"Yeah", Dave continued, "He's only 14 and about this high (using his hand to show a height smaller than me) and acts like a right idiot"
"But umm...if she's going out with him then why would she want me?", I ask.
"Cos when she sees you she'll dump him. She's only going out with him for someone to go out with. I don't think she actually likes him", Dave replies.

And i'm as confused as I was before the conversation.

Here is a girl that is apparantly interested in me, but has never met me, only knows a handful of details about me and has a boyfriend who she will apparantly dump in a second. Oh, but as long as she has a nice arse and bit tits then all of that doesn't matter. Well, that's how Dave and Paul are spinning it.

I'm not.

Even if she is the most amazing looking girl on the planet, she has to have a hell of a lot more to her than just looks.

After lunch, I wrote up another proposal for the second of my CD cover ideas. Once written I showed it to Pam. She said pretty much the exact same thing as Louise did about my first one. She asked about my GCSE grades, complimented me on my proposal and said that I could pass a GCSE easily if that proposal was anything to go by. It's nice to know that my work is appreciated.

I then asked her to read my song/poem thing, which I'll call a sonet from now on. Like the others I've shown it to in my class, I could tell that she got a bit bored reading it, but I think it actually has to do with the fact that there is a lot of scrolling going on, due to the monitor resolution and it doesn't give the viewer a good enough view of it. Perhaps if read on a bigger monitor it would help. Or maybe I've yet to encounter many sonet-liking people.

Or maybe it was just crap to begin with. Actually no. I like it. I'm quite proud of it.

Today was spent laying in bed, after actively deciding that I wasn't going to college, since it was mind numbingly boring and easy and I wasn't willing to spend 2:30hrs doing something which should take ten minutes. This will probably turn out to be a turtle and the hare situation in the end no doubt, but hopefully not. I don't see how it can. Without sounding big headed, I can breeze through what Tony is teaching us in no time at all and when I see Brian i'm going to ask him if there's some way I can be learning more advanced stuff in the lesson instead of things I already know. I'd even be willing to do the easy stuff to prove I can actually do it and then move on to the challenging stuff all in one lesson, because I know that I could easily do that.

Instead, today was spent sitting here at the computer as usual doing pretty much nothing. However, I do have my own personal project that I've been working on since Thursday and it's going quite well. It's nothing too amazing, but i'm pleased with it so far. You'll have to wait till around next Monday to see what it is though.

Tomorrow is Wednesday, which means my photography lesson which means I'll be going. It also means that I probably won't even be in the lesson much, as I'll end up going out to take much needed pictures of things for my CD cover. I hate going out and taking pictures. It makes me look like a tourist. But actually, I feel like one. I hardly know my way around Liverpool yet I've lived here all my life.

I can't wait to move out of it either.
