So today I kept my word to myself and decided to go and see Return of the King. I got there a little late, but as I sat down, I realised that the only thing I'd missed was a few adverts. Not even trailers. So I was happy.

It felt weird sitting there on my own. I've never been to the cinema on my own before. I'm used to having someone sit next to me. I don't know why it feels so wrong to go the cinema on your own, but it definitely does. However, I got over that once the film began and for the next three hours and twenty minutes I basqued in the delights of Tolkien and Jackson. For those who have seen it, i'm sure you'll agree that the spider bit was quite scary. Well I thought it was anyway. The bit when it hovers over Frodo. You could hear the silence in the audience, as they waited with baited breath for the spider to pounce.

It will no doubtedly be one of the best films that will ever be made in the near future. And by this, I mean Lord of the Rings in general.

Personally, I preferred The Two Towers, but i'm sure everyone has their favourite.

I'd read reports that Jackson had included nine endings to this film because he didn't know which one would work best. I was wary of leaving the cinema before all of the credits had finished to see these nine endings, but I did leave. However, after discussing this little tidbit of information with someone online, I realised that they were indeed shown, and I just didn't realise they were the nine endings. Thinking back, it was quite nice seeing all nine ways in which Jackson thought the film should end, plus he inserted them in such a way that it was hard to tell they weren't actually seperate endings. That's one hell of a good director.

After coming home and talking online for a while, Oogee decided to make an appearance in my room, trotting up my stairs as usual, and curling up by my heater. After a few minutes, he moved positions and I hear a slight cry come from him. I was confused to say the least, as I'd not done anything to make him cry, nor was there anything by him. I carried on doing what I was doing on the computer.

After a while longer, he'd moved positions again to a place he's never curled up before. See, he has three positions in my room where he likes to sleep. By the heater, by the computer and on my bed. But right now, he was by my wardrobe for some reason. I heard him begin to scratch the carpet and I turned round to see why. There didn't seem to be anything wrong. I went over and he stopped, only to start crying at me, even hissing at some points. This got me worried.

I tried stroking him to calm him down but he only cried more. I let him be. After a while longer he'd moved back to the heater, only to scratch the carpet more. He does this when he wants to let me know that he's either hungry or needs to go out. So I carried him down and let him. I carried him, because he seemed reluctant to move pretty much anywhere.

An hour later, my mum had let him in.

"Neil", she called, from the livingroom, up to my room, "there's something wrong with this cat"
"Yeah, I know...but I don't know what"
"He's coming up to you"

And so he did. Except he resumed his crying. I tried to calm him down once more by stroking him, but yet again he cried out in both pain and indeed anger, hissing at me more. I decided that I couldn't just let him be in pain all night and that the only way he'd be any more comfortable was to ring for a vet.

I got Yellow Pages out and looked for a vet. I was very wary of actually calling one out of course, since call-out fees are fucking expensive.

I found one that looked decent. When they answered he asked for my name and telephone number. He said the vet would call me back in ten minutes. And all of this was at around 12:45am.

Sure enough he called back and he asked what the problem was. I explained as best as I could, telling him he was crying out in pain and I couldn't find out why.

"Are you on income support?", he asked
"Well what I'd suggest is to call the PDSA (People's Dispensary for Sick Animals...or something like that) and they will help you. If you call out a vet at this time it will cost you around �60-�70"

�70 for a call out...That's a LOT of money.

"Do you have their number?", I asked him and he gave me it.

I then rang PDSA.

I re-explained things as best I could. At first, she made me an appointment for the next day, if he wasn't seemingly better overnight. But then I said that he was crying out and she changed her mind.

"Ok well what you'll need to do is come to the PDSA. Do you know where that is?"
"Ok you need to come here then"
"What, now?"
"And what about the consultation fees?"
"All the PDSA asks is that you make a donation of whatever you can afford"
"Ok then"

I love the PDSA.

Luckily, Paul, my mum's boyfriend can drive and he happened to be spending the night. He offered to take me and I was truly thankful. The woman on the phone had said that my mum had to come too so it ended up being me, Paul and my mum all going on a journey to the vets at 1am in the morning. How very strange.

Once there, the place was naturally empty. The woman took my details and told us to take a seat. As she did so, a woman with a dog came in.

"Oh not you again", the vet said
"I think he's swallowed something", the woman said, sounding distressed. She was in her pyjamas and slippers and it was freezing outside.

The vet knelt by the dog and opened his mouth up. He was a lively dog and kept trying to move away from her.

"He's gonna die!" the woman said, sounding increasingly worried.

After about five minutes of the vet looking in this dog's mouth in the reception area, while both me and my mum watched, and indeed Oogee (Paul stayed in the car), the vet concluded that he had swallowed nothing.

"So he's alright then?", she asked
"Yeah, looks like it"
"Aw, thanks for that", the woman said, and the vet let her out.

Soon after, a door opened and out came a very young vet who looked strangely like my Katie, except maybe not so smiley.

"Miss Wong and Oogee?", she inquired. I went in with Oogee while my mum stayed outside.

"Ok, can you get him out for me please?", she asked, and I obliged, opening the basket and taking him out. She then began examing him with her hands while I held him, feeling his stomach, and his back, before using a stethescope to check his heart. I couldn't help but smirk and grin when she decided to put a thermometer up his arse. Made me think of the scene in Doctor Dolittle..."I hope he's not gonna put that up my hellooo"...

Surprisingly, Oogee didn't flinch and was extremely good natured about it all. She put her hands underneath him again and felt about. Looked like she was examining his genitals.

"Can you ask Miss Wong to come in please?", she asked me. I opened the door and called to my mum.

"Ok", the vet said, "it looks like he's actually got a problem with his bladder and can't wee. I've tried pressing against the bladder but nothing happened and it's also quite bloated. So, what i'm going to suggest is that we take him into the hospital and we'll insert a catheter to help him wee and hopefully that will solve the problem."

The poor bastard just needs a piss!

She gave me a form to sign, saying that they may have to put him under anaesthetic and that there's a risk involved in that etc. After that I handed Oogee over to her and she said ring tomorrow morning to see how he's doing.

My poor Oogee. He must be in so much pain. I wonder what has happened to cause this? He was fine this morning. Maybe he's been hit? :S Poor thing. I hope he's ok tonight.
