I'm finally sorting my box out. By the end of Monday, it should be complete, which means that on Wednesday I can take pictures of it in the studio.

But, before Monday is the weekend and usually, my weekends are dull. However, this weekend, it may not be, as tomorrow, i'm going to Birmingham to stay with Katie!

Yeah, last week Katie rang me, after I hadn't spoken to her for about two months or something. She's been in the US for about four months as an au pair and she returned home about a month ago, then she went to work in Birmingham in a church and with children and seeing old people. She is so incredibly dedicated to her belief in God and what she thinks she should do with her life. She's always incredibly busy and she's always putting people before herself. So yes, last week she rang me. I didn't even recognise her voice at first, but after saying hi and the normal stuff, she asked me if I'd like to come stay with her this weekend. I said sure and so that's where i'm going tomorrow.

She's staying at a vicar's parish or something. I'm a bit wary of the fact that i'm going to stay at someone's, when I don't even know the people who the house belongs to. I don't know what we're gonna do either. I'm definitely gonna take my camera though and maybe I'll get the oppurtunity to take some nice pictures if we go anywhere nice.

It'll be nice to see her. The last time I seen her was when she came here in February. She's changed a lot since then I think. She looks different too, but I think that's because of living in America with the heat and stuff. Got a lot more colour in her, from what I've seen in pics.

No PC for two days. Torture.

My Psion is broke too which means that I can't even write a diary entry while i'm on the three hour train journey there. It never used to take 3 hours. I'm confused why it does now. I have to twice too. When I was going out with Claire, it only took 2:30 to get to Rugby and that's further. Plus, the trains back on Sunday are so crap, but thankfully I found one that only has one change, but still, it's 3:20 hours. Where the hell did that extra hour come from? Anyone know?

My mum has gone to Pauls and probably won't be back till Sunday. Laura will be in work from early on in the morning tomorrow. This means that when I go, no one will even notice i'm gone. I know I could just leave a note, but i'm kind of tempted not to, just to see if they actually notice that i'm gone. Because I don't even think either of them would. And if they did, they wouldn't be bothered.

See you on Sunday.
