Wow, such a lack of diary entries this week. It's because I've been so tired each time I come home from college and updating just doesn't list as high on my priorities when i'm knackered. Let's start at Monday.

Monday proved partially fruitless regarding Ed's help with my box. Though he did try to help, kind of, it wasn't really helpful help. I even cancelled my appointment with James Riley so I could spend an extra two hours in the lesson trying to figure it out, but at the end of the day, I still hadn't made anything resembling what it should look like.

Tuesday was even more frustrating, although Tony, who I now don't hate as much was much more helpful than Ed, which is strange, considering Ed is supposed to be helping me more than anyone. He helped me design various disc-shaped pieces of paper for the lid, but they didn't really work. By the end of that lesson, I had decided that it was time to simply scrap my idea and work on something easier. I decided that instead of a cylinder shape, I'd now go for a rectangle shape, but still with a slice out of the top of it. So now, instead of a disc shaped lid, I had a rectangle. SO much easier to make. The problem, however, was that it was supposed to be photographed the next day, which meant I had to create something in less than 24 hours, which we had 6 weeks to complete. Problem.

On the train home, I sketched a few plans for the new box. Nothing too complicated, but it did help me. At 8pm on Tuesday, I began work on my new box. And it was hard. Hard, because I still had to meausure everything up and to make matters worse, the paper that I had was too small for my measurements! That meant I had to scale back slightly and after finally figuring all the correct dimensions out, I set to work making the damn thing.

8, 9, 10pm passed. I was feeling incredibly tired already and making this box was the hardest thing in the world at the time. 11, 12pm. Still no full box made, but, I had made most of it and I was pleased with the result so far. I decided that I'd just have to leave it and hopefully photograph it some other time when the box was complete, instead of the next day. I went to bed and fell asleep pretty much right away because I was so tired.

Wednesday was incredibly boring. Not to mention incredibly cold. For the morning, we were in the studio, and everyone was getting their boxes photographed. Of course, I didn't have one so I had to sit there for about two hours doing nothing and being cold. Everyone else felt the same.

I showed Louise my new photos. She liked them. But, she didn't really take that much of a look since she was walking and talking at the same time to people. I wanted her opinion on them but she was too busy.

After lunch it wasn't so much boring, but it was incredibly tedious and mundane. We had a little slideshow of photography stuff, while a photography teacher talked about the dos and don'ts of it all. He tried telling jokes that weren't funny, yet he thought we'd all be laughing. After about an hour of this slideshow, it finally ended. For some reason Louise decided to clap him. Why? And because she clapped, the rest clapped too. Like he's done something amazing. I didn't clap though, I was wondering why I was supposed to.

After the slideshow, Louise said we could go home. I was glad to.

On my way to the station, I stopped in the Post Office to get a passport form. I did get one quite a while ago and I searched all over the place for it in my room, but to no avail, so I went to get a new form. Upon reading the notes and prices, I saw that the price for a new passport was �44! �44! That's a lot of money for something I'll hardly ever use. It'd gone up in October from �33.

On the form, it says I need a co-signatory that I've known over two years and that has a passport. Suddenly, I realised that I haven't actually known anyone for two years or more that I still know. This surprised me and I realised just how alone I've been. I mean, everyone can name someone who they've known for at least two years, i'm sure? But I can't. The only person who could possibly qualify is James Riley. Aside from him, no one. And before you say my family, they're not allowed. They can't be related to me. So it seems that a passport is not something that I'll be getting any time soon. Having said that, maybe I'll ask James about it. I think I've known him for two years now.

Which brings me to today.

Today was my multimedia lesson with Brian. I didn't actually have much to do in his lesson, instead simply helping people out with their work. I printed off some stuff that I needed for my box. I'm glad I did, because their printer is much better than the crappy one I have.

I did want to scan my photos in and then put them on a CD so I could have them on my computer too. Unfortunately, Brian had no CD's. I tried emailing them to myself, but it wouldn't let me, which means that I'll have to wait till Monday and remember to bring a CD with me so I can burn them onto it.

Brian asked me if I'd decided what I was going to do next year. I said that I'd probably do multimedia and photography. He said that if I kept my work to the standard it is now, then he'd accept me. He also said that he thinks i'm one of the hardest workers in the class. He also said that he'd like to see me experiment more with things, rather than settling for the finished product. That's my weakness I suppose. I don't experiment enough.

I think he was talking about my playing cards, which I finally printed out today too. I don't think he liked the fact that I was against adding stuff that I thought would make it look tacky.

Next week is the last week of college this year. I'm quite proud of myself for sticking with the course this long, unlike last year when I lasted just 6/7 weeks. I feel happy that I have some good friends in college, even if not one of them is anything like me in any way. I feel happy that although i'm having problems with this stupid box, i'm progressing through the course without any serious problems. This course has been my lifesaver in both an educational way and a social way. It's given me friends and it's given me a great oppurtunity to learn about the stuff that I enjoy.

And then it's Christmas. Bleh. This year, I doubt Christmas will be special for me unless something special happens. My mum and Laura are going out on Boxing Day and New Year's Eve to a place called Yorkshire Metals, which apparantly has function rooms and stuff for parties, but all that's gonna be there is drink and some music. She asked if I wanted to come. I said no, because I know I'd hate it. All I'd do is sit there, being quiet, being alone, and just wanting to come back home. It just doesn't sound like a 'fun' idea to me. Maybe i'm just shooting myself in the foot though and complaining about something I can change.

