Ah, nice easy day today, if not a little frustrating.

For some reason or another, my multimedia lesson on Thursdays has been moved from in the morning to the afternoon, which means I can get up three hours later than usual. Always a good thing.

Brian, our teacher told us that our task for the day was to come up with new symbols for a pack of playing cards. They didn't have to look like hearts, diamonds, etc, but anything you wanted. We had to design them in Illustrator.

I decided that I'd first doodle them on paper (I've just remembered I forgot to pick it up when I left! Damnit!) then when I'd doodled about ten sets of four symbols, I began to make them in Illustrator. I don't really like this program, as powerful as it may be. I feel as if it has many strengths, but I guess because i'm not used to it, I prefer Photoshop any day. However, Photoshop can't be used for creating stuff like this, as Photoshop isn't vector-based. And for those who don't know what vector-based means, the best way to explain it would be this: If you zoom up on a .jpg image, you'll notice all those pixels making up the image. If you enlarge the image, you'll notice loss of quality too. However, if you do this in illustrator after creating something in there, this doesn't happen and you can scale up/down as big/small as you want and still keep the same quality.

I asked Stan about going to see Revolutions. I thought he had said that he wanted to go today, but he said he said tomorrow, so I was disappointed. However, I was determined to go see it today so I pressed the issue to him and I persuaded him to go today. And we did!

What do I have to say about Matrix Revolutions?

Oh. My. God.

Amazing. Truly, truly, amazing. At times, my mouth hung somewhere by my ankles, as I took in the awe of some of the scenes in the film. I would so very happily watch that film again. And again too. The critics were harsh on it, but like always, the critics can be wrong and damn, I think they were on this because I walked out of that cinema wanting more. The battle scenes were breath taking and I really must download the film some time in the future to view it all over again.

I was extremely happy to of gone and seen it, especially with someone who was just as eager to see it.

I got out of the cinema around 6:45 and made my way home, feeling pleased.

Matrix 4, anyone?
