A replay of the night before last, last night. I decided to do a small experiment with my current strange sleeping pattern.

I had to be in college at 10am, which mean I could afford to go to bed a little later than normal (and normal is around 1am/2am). Of course, over the past two days, I've been waking up two hours before I'm supposed to. Last night, I went to bed at 3am and sure enough, I actually woke up at 6am, when I needed to wake up at around 8am. Once again, I tried and tried to get back to sleep, but to no avail.

When 8am came, I was feeling tired, but decided to get up anyway and go, which I did.

Photography is probably my favourite lesson out of the four I have. It's because Dave is a great teacher and is only around 6 years older than us. For the morning part of the lesson, we didn't really do much. Just lots of talking about the camera and apperture sizes and F Stops. Though I do know what these are, it all went over my head today because I was too tired to be arsed about any of it. Dave (teacher) devised this small 'game', whereby half of the room where apperture sizes and half were F Stops. The point he was making was that if you change the apperture, you have to change the F Stop too. He was asking various people what you'd change the apperture/F Stop to, if you changed the other. After a while, he then asked me. "I've no idea", I told him, because I was at a loss as to what was going on. Eventually someone else answered instead.

Since we start at 10am for photography, the lesson is only 2 hours long for the morning and it goes pretty quickly, which it did today too then it was lunch.

My lunch breaks are strange sometimes, because for one reason or another, I sometimes end up only being with one of my friends and I get to have an indepth conversation with them, unlike when i'm with them in a group. Over the past few weeks, it's mainly been Dave who's been the indepth-conversation-partner, but today it was Jamie.

We sat in the cafe while we ate and for about 40 minutes discussed my lack of ability when it comes to getting to know girls. I don't mind admitting i'm no good at it. The fact is that it's true. I was asking him how he'd approach a girl and whatnot, but the scenarios are always to do with girls who may be friends of someone else and so in some small way, you already know them. What I want to know, is how do you talk to a complete stranger? I asked him this, and used a girl sitting on a bench outside as an example. I happened to like her and I asked him how the hell was I supposed to just go up to her and begin talking to her. It's just not possible. I then asked him, as a dare, to go and talk to her, since he was telling me how to do it. I wanted 'to see how the master does it', as I put it to him. He laughed and shyed away from it.

After 40 minutes of debating my inabilities, we had come to no particularly conclusion. Having said that, however, he did start racking his brains about girls he knew who I might like and who might like me.

He also told me to go ask John about it. Ah, John. John is like the pimp of college. He knows so so many girls in college it's unbelievable. What's more unbelievable is the fact that they're usually all pretty damn gorgeous! We all agree John is a lucky bastard to know so many nice girls. None of the rest of my friends do. Not in the quantity John does. But yes, Jamie told me to go ask him. But it's not like anyone could give me any advice about talking to strangers. If I came up to you and began to talk to you, you'd think I was incredibly weird, even if I was just trying to be friendly. The exception to this is when you may know someone via someone else.

For example...

On the first day of college, while waiting to be let into the graphics room, there was a guy there waiting, as I got there. After a minute of standing there with each other, but not saying anything, I simply said 'What's your name?', and from there, the friendship was made. Then, as the day went on and we had chosen our seating, Jamie sat with us, and Stan must of already talked to him a little, because they seems to know each other moreso and because Jamie was now a friend of Stan and Stan was a friend of me, Jamie became my friend too. Same for the rest of them. This, I feel, is how it works when you're trying to go out with a girl. You have to know of them before you actually know them I think.

Like I've said on many occasions, I think i'm going to be single for a long time to come, sadly. I don't see anything happening in the future that would change this.

We left the cafe with me feeling a little depressed after that. Well, not depressed, more frustrated, wanting some sort of miracle.

Back to class at 1pm and by this time, I was ready for going back to bed, because 3 hours sleep just isn't enough to do a full day of college. The perk of the afternoon was that we spent it developing photos in the darkroom, which is a lot more fun than sitting in a classroom writing notes.

I managed to develop the reel of feel I took yesterday using Dave's camera. Some of the shots looked really good, though they were only small, because they were all on what you call a 'contact sheet'. Basically your index print. The thing with a little thumbnail of your fullsize image on. I didn't blow any up to normal size though. Infact, I forgot to pick up the films and i'm hoping they'll be in the same place I left them tomorrow so I can go get them before they go missing.

I walked back the station with Dave once it was time to go home, kept my eyes closed all the way because I just needed sleep. Once home, I went to bed from 5pm till 7pm. Now it's 9:20pm and i'm still feeling incredibly tired. I don't want to go to bed too early though, because I don't have to be in college till 1pm tomorrow and if I end up waking up at something like 8am, i'm gonna be very tired again, since I won't do anything stimulating for those few hours. 11am is when I should get up tomorrow, but if my sleeping patterns over the past few days are anything to go by, then it won't be happening.

A highlight of this week is the fact that either tomorrow or Friday, Stan and I are going to go see The Matrix: Revolutions, which i'm extremely glad of since I've been waiting to see that film since the last one and I didn't think I'd get the chance to see it, since I know I wouldn't of gone on my own. I'm hoping that he isn't going on Friday, beause we don't have college on Friday and it'd mean I'd have to travel into town for the film, instead of tomorrow, when I have college and go straight after it. I guess it'd be worth travelling into town though to go see it if I want to see it that much.

Multimedia tomorrow with Brian. That room gets so hot over the course of the three hours we're gonna be in there. It doesn't help when the lesson goes very slowly and all you want to do is go back home. I just want the pace of the lesson to go up a notch. I am learning things, but it feels like it's at a very slow rate. Same with Tony's multimedia lesson.

My poor cat has been terrified all night because of all the fireworks being set off. He's been hiding behind chairs mostly. I love my cat. He's the best member of this family.
