Ohhh god. I feel dead. My body hates me.

Yesterday, I got ready to sit down at the kitchen table at 8pm to draw my egg drawing. I went to the fridge, but shock! Laura had eaten the eggs that I was just about to draw. They'd been there all week and she goes and eats them the day I need them. Bleh. So that went out the window. I was going to draw some keys but I didn't. No particular reason why not. I drew another perspective drawing instead. All in all, a rather unproductive evening of art.

Went to bed at 2am, actually looking forward to waking up at 6:50am because I was eager to get back to college. But, my body had other plans, since I woke up at 3am to go the toilet, then an hour later. I tried and tried to get back to sleep but to no avail. For two hours I tried. Come 6am, I decided to give up, instead just laying in bed till around 6:30am decided to finally get up. I was feeling pretty ok up till that point and proceeded to get ready. However, by 7:20am, I felt the effects of such little sleep hitting me, slowing me down and I hadn't even gotten out the door yet.

By 7:30am I had decided that college was a no, and I was disappointed in myself. I was angry at myself for not being able to get enough sleep.

Trying to look on some sort of bright side, it does mean I now have another week to complete the egg drawing and key drawing.

I need sleep.
