That was...strange/bad...

Just been a knock at the door. My mum answered it, but didn't open the door. They didn't answer. Opened an upstairs window to see who it was and it was two lads apparantly they wanted me. Looked out another window, didn't recognise them, but opened the door regardless.

"What do you want?" I asked. They were both standing at the gate, not the front door.

"You coming out?", one of them said. The other had his back turned to me.

"I don't know you", I said to him.

He looked at me for a second then said "You know Kyle though" and listed a few other names I hadn't heared since school.

"Uhh yeah?"

Then the other guy turned round. Michael fucking Carter. The guy who'd bullied me all through school.

"So you coming out?", he asked again and Michael's just grinning for some reason.

"No.", I reply and shut the door.

Fucking weird.

Why the fuck would I come out at 12 at night, with someone I don't know and someone who used to bully me? WHY!

I will never show him anything but hatred.
