You know when my days are boring when I don't update my diary daily. I really don't have anything of importance to say just now. The only reason why i'm making this particular 'nothing to say' entry, is because maybe I like to remind myself how boring my life is...or something?

I don't know.

Oh, one thing I can write about is the fact that I've still got to do my work for college. I've got quite a lot of it to do too. Infact, I've just remembered that I've got to do more than I first thought I had. Fun.

I have to do three more word collages, a drawing of eggs and two perspective drawings. Then, for photography, i'm supposed to 'take pictures of friends and/or family'. Well family's not gonna happen, so it'll have to be my friends in college, which means that it has to wait till Monday. However, I still don't have a camera. Like I wrote a few days ago, Laura said Chris has a friend who could sell me one cheap. I must remember to ask her about that again.

Max Payne 2 was �26 well spent. Completed it tonight, but now I want to play more. It's time to scour the net for different mods I think, perhaps even reinstall Max Payne 1 for the hell of it. Though it's doubtful any of my readers will be interested in such a game, if you are, I reccomend it.

Like my approval counts for anything, of course.
