Didn't go to college today. Ah well, I doubt I missed much.

I woke up at 6:40am, but I fell back asleep right away, only to wake up once more at some unknown time and in the space of about three seconds, I decided that I wasn't going in because I was too tired to. I justified this by telling myself that it was multimedia, and we'd only be doing basic stuff that were carrying on with from last week. So I didn't miss much.

I woke up properly around 12:20pm and for about the past two hours I've been working some more on the text collages I have to do. I've finally finished the hardest one, after working on it for about five/six hours, including preparation time. Now i'm onto the second, which is much easier and it's only gonna take me about another 30 minutes to complete it, after working on it for around 20.

I'm quite glad I stayed off now really, because it meant that I got a little more of the text collage done, which is much more important to me than sitting in a lesson for two hours learning nothing.

Thanks to Jenonenifer for the longest guestbook entry. Evaaar.
