Today was a huge waste of time. Time that could of been spent getting to know my bed more.

Got up, got ready, went to college. Got there at 9:30am, only to be told that Brian was off sick and if a tutor wasn't available to take us, we'd be sent home. And that's what happened. After just 25 minutes of being there, we all got sent home. I'm all up for having the shortest day of college ever, but if I got up at 7:40am and went all the way to town, it's kind of a disappointment when you're told to go all the way back without doing anything.

On the way out of college, me, Dave, Paul, Stan and Jamie were discussing the party tomorrow. I said that I'd decided that I wasn't going. Yes, I now don't want to go. Well, I do, but to be honest, i'm completely terrified of it. I don't even know why really. They insisted I come and they were really nice about it, but I said no still. On the way back to the station, after Paul and Dave had left me, Stan and Jamie to go home, Stan asked me again if I'd come. I admitted that I was simply scared of going. He said he understood.

So tomorrow will be just another day. I'm quite happy with that really. Of course, on Monday when I see them all again and they'll no doubt tell me it was great, I'll wish that I'd of gone. I won't regret it that much though.

Caught the train home, came online for a bit, and tried to find something to do, but failed. After three hours or so, I was sitting on my fragile chair, leaning back on it (it's reclinable) and suddenly the back gives way and I hear a loud crack and thud and I kind of fall off the back of the chair lol. My chair was well and truly broke.

So then I had no chair. Well, I did, but it had no back on and considering how much I use this computer, a back is neccessary so my back doesn't ache like fuck. I wondered what I could use until I got a new chair and my mum came up with the idea of using a garden chair. One of those fully reclinable ones. However, it was incredibly low so I had to put two of the chair's cushions on it, two square cushions on top of that and then two pillows on top of that, just to get it the same height as my chair! Plus, it didn't have wheels of course, nor did it swivel, which means it's very hard to get comfortable on it. After an hour or two of sitting on it, my back was killing me and I was dreading having to use this for a few days.

But! The wonderfulness that is Chris, Laura's boyfriend managed to get me a chair today and he brought it round an hour ago and now i'm sitting on a nice new leather, reclinable chair for �65, which is 40% less than retail due to a deal his company can get. Joy! I've always loved that guy, honestly...

I wouldn't be me if I didn't have some complaints about the new chair though. The main thing is that it seems very stiff. The foam in the back I mean. It doesn't feel particularly comfortable sitting on it. I'm hoping that's just because it's new though and once I've had it for a few weeks it might soften up a little. On the plus side, it's slightly higher than my old one which means I don't have to use additional cushions on top of it. Also a plus, is that this one isn't leaning over to one side like my old one! But, how could I not love my old chair more than this one? I mean, I've had it as long as I've had a PC. It's been extremely comfortable for all that time, even when it began to deteriorate and finally die altogether. It gave me four years of arse padding and I thank it for that. Farewell my comfy leather chair.

It's only just turned 8:30pm, but i'm feeling so damn tired. I think it's because I've been up all day, but haven't done anything. Doing nothing makes me tired. I wanted to sleep, but I ended up talking to Jenifer for an hour or so. God that girl is amazingly beautiful. Look! Damn, she is so nice. Look at those eyes!

Then Hana came online, shortly after Jenifer had left. All these beautiful girls will go to my head soon!

So yeah, I've been up all day, but I've done nothing, resulting in me being absolutely tired. However, I can't go to sleep yet because I want to talk to the lovely Alice. I'm meeting her on Saturday. Yay! Sounds good to me.
