So tired today. I got enough sleep, but Mondays are always tiring.

I hate getting up of a morning in the winter because it's still dark outside. It's quite disorientating getting up when it's dark. I thought my watch was wrong or something.

Got up, went to college. Met Leanne on the way and we talked on the way there. She's a nice girl. Friendly.

Ed was back this week. He gave us a task which consisted of cutting stuff out of magazines and organising them in a way you found appealing on a piece of A5 cartridge paper.

At break, around 10:30am, I went to the cafe to get some food. Leanne and Zara (who is Persian, and can't speak English that well) joined me. While eating, we all heard this loud noise that could only be described as an extremely loud monster growling with a slight echo due to the size of the reception and cafe. I was quite scared for a brief second! not often you hear monsters. Then again, a few seconds later. I looked at Leanne and she looked at me. "What's that noise?", I asked her. "I dunno", she replied. I was tempted to go look, but my sausages and bacon were much more important.

After eating them, I went over to reception which is right by the cafe and there, in the actual window of the entrance to the college was a guy, around 22 wearing nothing but his underwear, putting on makeup.

Yes, you read that right.

You know the box David Blaine is in currently? It's kind of like that, except it's on ground level and it makes up the college entrance.

Then, to the right of the entrance, there was a girl, sitting in another box. She was clothed, eating a mince pie. There was a christmas tree right by her and she was looking through a magazine.

And the most amusing part was a guy and a girl sitting above the entrance to the college. Each had a microphone and there was a big speaker on the floor. Every time someone came through the entrance and said or did something, he'd imitate them over the microphone and it was pretty damn funny. A group of girls walking past him and one of them was quite loud. "Oh did she? Yeah really? Oh ok, yeah", he said in the most patronising of voices, trying to imitate her voice. It was great!

As I watched and listened to this great entertainment, I had a cup of tea in my hand and took a sip. "Sluuuuuurp....Ahhhh", I heard over the speaker from the guy. HA! Fucking hilarious. Couldn't help but laugh. I took another sip a few moments later. "Sluuuuuuurp....Ahhhh", once more!

I walked underneath them and exited the college to see if I could find any of the guys from my class, but they weren't out there. However, what I did see were two people a guy and a girl sitting down on the pavement on a blanket right outside the college having...a picnic! A picnic, in winter, outside the college, on the pavement. They had a big hamper and they had lots of dishes out and all kinds of food and drink, along with a guitar, sitting next to the guy. How surreal, yet so entertaining!

I walked back into the college, and as I was just about to walk back to my class, my eye caught a girl, sitting by reception. She had a TV sitting on another chair in front of her and she was painting the front of it pink! I thought about walking over to her to ask her why she was doing it, but decided not to and carried on back to my class.

That was quite possibly the best 10 minutes of original entertainment I've witnessed. Such surrealism. I wish they'd do it every day! It'd be great!

At lunch, I couldn't find any of the guys once more. I saw Leanne, however and decided to walk with her to get something to eat. The conversation came without me feeling so agitated and under pressure to say something. I feel so much more at ease than I used to. I asked her lots of questions. Tried to find stuff out about her. It's good. After we'd eaten, we made our way back and by the time we did so, it was 12:50pm so it was a good idea to walk somewhere since it passed the time.

Once back, I saw all of the guys sitting outside the college so I joined them and Leanne went upstairs. After a few minutes of sitting with them, I looked at my watch. 12:57. A few minutes later and I asked them if they were coming to class. Dave followed me. We got to class at 1:04pm and Ed was standing outside the classroom. He looked quite stern. "Are we late?", I asked him. "You tell me?", he asked. "Why, what time is it?", I asked him. I knew what time it was really, but I didn't know what else to say. Technically, of course, we were late, since it was four minutes past one. I just kind of slipped into the class, avoiding his little wrath that seemed to be going on, feeling a little confused and quite annoyed that he was pulling me up for being four minutes late when I never usually am anyway.

A few minutes later the rest of them arrive. They try to enter the class, but Ed had locked the door for some reason. I haven't got a clue why teachers do that. Why do they not want their students entering the class if they're late, when they're only going to open the door for them anyway. It's stupid. So Ed unlocked the door and spoke to them outside the class before letting them in. They were about ten minutes late.

Another 5 or 10 minutes later and more arrived. They tried to enter the class, but once again the door was locked. The person nearest to the door unlocked it and they entered. "Can you wait outside please", Ed said, as he saw them enter the class. They must not of thought he was meaning them, because he then said it louder, annoyed. He left them standing out there for five minutes before going out there and speaking to them and then letting them in.

Personally, if you're five minutes late and it's not every day, then it's fine. If you're ten minutes late then maybe it's a problem. Twenty, then yes, you deserve to be spoken to. However, I feel as if Ed was a little harsh on the ones who came in after me. I feel as if he was taking his anger/frustration/whatever out on them over losing his father last week. Let's hope my analogy of him being a friendly goat doesn't fade.

At 2:20 I had the pleasure of getting out of college early to go see James Riley. It was an average session. I showed him some of my work. The main topic brought up was that I tend to fall too easily for girls who show me the least bit of warmth. The reason behind this is because i'm so unused to it, that part of me feels the need to cling onto it so in my mind, I may become overbearing. I told him about how I don't feel complete right now.

I was feeling pretty tired so I didn't talk much. I let him do most of it, before returning home.

I have the wonderful Tony tomorrow for multimedia. Hopefully he'll keep his winning streak going and learn us something good like he did last week. Maybe I'll begin to like him more then and not think he's a bit shit. Ha. Yes Tony, you're a bit shit! Wahaa. Ahem.
