Gah. Today didn't happen.

Woke up at 6:50am feeling ok, but fell asleep till 7am. Not such a big deal though, of course. Once up, I got ready and managed to catch the bus to the station at 7:45am and I was feel pretty tired. I thought this was normal though of course and I got off the bus and ran for the train, almost getting ran over in the process.

Got on the train, and after another minute of waiting and trying to catch my breath, it set off, and by this point I wasn't feeling too good. I thought it was just because I was tired but I wasn't waking up. I felt dizzy and like I wanted to throw up. I contemplated getting off the train and coming home, but I was determined to get to college.

My eyes were closed for most of the journey. I felt so tired and so ill. After 20 minutes I reached my stop and very, very reluctantly got off the train, only to hesistate walking up the escalator, because by now I was feeling really ill and really did feel like throwing up. I looked at the train, wondering what to do and after a minute of standing there, no doubt looking as bad as I felt, I decided to get back on the train and go home. I closed my eyes and tried to block everything out, as the train went back the way it had came, only opening them once I was at my stop. I got a cab home, and after getting undressed, collapsed back into bed, after getting up an hour and fourty minutes ago.

You can't say I didn't try.

You're supposed to ring up if you're not coming in but I didn't because of course, I was in bed. I woke up around 2pm, but still didn't ring. I'll just apologise next week when I see him.

So that was my day. Or not, rather.
