So tomorrow, is a bit like deja vu. I'm going to town and i'm meeting someone called Alice. However, I trust she won't do a Kelley on me, since she's not an MWN applicant, but simply someone who I happened to find on Diaryland, when I was looking for people from Liverpool. Yay.

I don't exactly know what we're going to do together. And no, I've not seen a picture of her either so I don't know what she looks like. However, online, she's just a nice person to talk to so hey, it's not like i'm doing anything else, so why not meet up? I guess we could go the cinema, but that's getting really old now and i'm in desperate need of something else to do with people who I meet!

So yeah, I get to leave these four walls for the day. Yay.

I guess i'm gonna have to do that glass drawing again, aren't I? I don't want to! I know that it'll probably end up even worse than the first.

A new 'fan' of my diary added me to MSN last night. Her name is Helen and she's from Manchester. Apparantly she's spent the last two weeks reading every single entry in my diary. Dedicated!

And on a final note, ever seen a roofcat?
