Being stood up is my speciality it seems.

Last night, Kelley came online. Kelley is a girl from MWN who applied and who I thought was the nicest of the whole lot of them. However, she didn't send any reply back to the email I sent her, or come online, so I assumed she was fake and deleted her from MSN. However, last night she came online, and I spent about two hours talking to her and finding out that she is indeed an extremely nice girl.

Though it was very very short notice, I asked if she'd like to meet me and after a while of convincing, she agreed to meet me in town and come to the college with me so I could enroll.

Got ready, went to town for 12pm.

I got there about 11:50am and waited right by the barriers so I could see her coming out. I say 'see her' but, I don't actually know what she looks like. Yes, this was indeed a blind date of sorts. A kind of semi-blind date, since she had seen me. My only tips were what she had put down on her application form - red hair, medium length. That's all I could remember.

Then, a girl who had red hair walked through the barrier. My heart started beating faster. Could this be her? She walked towards me...and past me. Damnit.

So I continued to wait again.

At around 12:05pm, a girl with dyed pink hair walked through the barrier and proceeded to wait where I had told Kelley I'd be. I was pretty scared at this point, because she'd walked right past, but was standing right where I'd said I'd be and she was looking round. Also, one of the reasons why I was so incredibly nervous was because she was so damn fucking gorgeous it was unbelieveable. I kept looking over at her, hoping perhaps she'd realise she knew who I was, but nothing.

12:20pm and she moved on out the station. I thought that I had to take the chance and ask her if it was her, so I walked out the station, only to see her on her phone, so I carried on walking and got a drink and returned, by which point she was off her phone.

"Excuse me, is your name Kelley?", I asked her
"I'm sorry?", she replied
"Is your name Kelley?"
"No, no"
"Oh ok, sorry. I thought you were someone else"

Damnit. DAMNIT.

You know, I didn't actually care at that stage whether it was or wasn't Kelley, because I wanted to talk to HER, regardless of who she was, but what on earth do you say to a stranger? I don't know, do you? And don't say 'say hi'. That's just stupid 'clever' advice. Conversation needs more than that.

So I headed into the station once more and waited a further ten minutes. By this time, it was 12:30pm and I'd also realised just how dumb I had been, by not asking her for a mobile number to contact her on. I was too caught up in the excitement of meeting her to do so.

I gave up. I left the station and headed on to the college on my own, disappointed.

I'm quiet a stupid person really. I wore my jacket today and it became incredibly warm so as I was walking (uphill) to the college, sweat was pouring off me. After walking up one street, I needed to sit down! I must be incredibly unfit.

Once I finally got to the college, I asked at reception who I could go speak to and she pointed me in the direction of the stairs to the second floor. Not hard, surely? Oh how wrong.

That college is like a labyrinth. There are endless corridoors and no other living thing about to guide you in the right direction. It has about five floors to it. Apparantly it was a Vauxhall plant so you can imagine the size of it. I must of walked round and round the second floor of the college for at least 10 minutes, sweating still pouring off me. Finally, I found a staff room and I spoke to a guy called Ed Morton, who is the head of the graphic design department.

He asked me what qualifications I had. None. I said I had a portofolio of work and he didn't look that impressed really. He got some information leaflets and explained to me about the course I wanted to go on, and the other courses available. He said that the course I wanted, was unavailable to me, because I didn't have the qualifications, but, there was another course that was a lower level that I could do.

He took me for a walk to the graphic design room. God knows why, because there was nothing in there anyway.

I explained to him that on the leaflet it said that if the student could provide a portfolio of work that the qualifications would be wavied, but he said that he didn't like to do that, because they might need them.

Or something.

He showed me another course. A course that encompassed graphic design, media and photography. I said that it sounded good. He then asked me had I filled out an enrollment form, which I had, but it had the wrong course on it. He also asked me all these other questions, to which I didn't have the answers. He said go to student services to sort it all out. Shook his hand, said goodbye.

It took me another ten minutes to find my way back to student services.

I asked them for an enrollment form. They said go to reception. I went to reception, they said they didn't have any and to go ask Ed for a CGM, whatever that is.

Coupled with the fact that I wasn't feeling that good due to the heat, and my head was extremely confused about everything I was supposed to be doing I couldn't handle it. So I left.

I left the college (while I could still see the fucking exit!) and at that point thought the hassle wasn't worth it. I didn't want to spend another 15 minutes looking for Ed again, only for him to tell me to go back to Student Services and blah blah blah. So, I left.

As I left, I realised that my hopes of actually going to this college were fading quickly, even though Ed had said that he'd see me on Monday, with the rest of the students that had enrolled.

Walking back to the station, I began getting a headache, then blurred vision. Great, a migraine in the middle of town. It was my own fault, because I hadn't eaten before I left the house.

Got something to eat, caught the train home, fell into bed, head sore. An hour later, I cancelled my appointment with James too.

It's 2:10am now and Kelley hasn't come online. The really weird thing is that when I tried to send her an email, Hotmail is telling me there is no such address. I know there is, because I've emailed her before.

I'm confused. And my head is sore. And I now have a cold too. I'm disappointed.

Being stood up sucks.
