So yesterday was a major disappointment.

Woke up, got ready, rang her at 10:30am. No answer. Rang her again shortly before walking out of the door, still no answer. I had no choice but to go, since if I didn't she could be waiting there for me and I'd of stood her up and i'm not about to do that.

So, went to the station, only to find the next train was cancelled and the next one wouldn't of gotten me to my next train on time. So, I got a cab from the station to Lime Street, only the cab driver then reminded me that I could get a train to Wigan and get my changeover train there and I could get a train to Wigan from Kirkby station. I asked him to turn round and take me back and we'd not even got down the road yet. He actually charged me for that little ride too.

So I waited at the station for the next train. And waited. I was due to meet up with Rebekah at 12:30 and it was currently 11:10am so I thought I had enough time easily. However, after waiting another 15, 20 minutes I was beginning to wonder if this train was ever going to come. Soon, a woman and her grandchildren came onto the station too and I asked her what time the train was due. "They're every hour, at 40 minutes past", she replied. I was a little worried at that point, since I was quite certain it'd take at least 30 minutes to Wigan and then another 15 minutes to get to Preston.

Finally, after waiting ages for the train, it showed up, on time, like the woman had said. I asked the ticket collector how long it took to Wigan - 25 minutes.

Got to Wigan about 12:10pm and I rang Rebekah, to let her know that I may be a bit late, since the next train from Wigan was 12:30pm. No answer from her phone still though and now I was really worried. I rang Robyn's phone, since she was accompanying her to the station, but I got her answering machine. I left a message.

Caught the 12:30 train, got to Preston at 12:50pm and looked around to Rebekah. She was nowhere to be seen, or Robyn. I was a bit clueless at first as to what I was supposed to do to find them. I decided to ring Rebekah again and this time I got through.

"Hiya, it's Neil. Where are you?"
"I can't come."
"You can't come?"
"But i'm at the station now"
"So I guess I'll go home again?"
"Umm, I'll talk to you online later then, bye"

I was pretty pissed off by this point, after travelling and spending money to come and see her and her not even turning up AND not having her phone on so I could actually check and see if she was coming in the first place. She didn't actually sound that sorry either.

So I had no option but to get back on a train after just 10 minutes of being in Preston and go home. Great huh? Another hour to go home and that was pretty much my 'day out'.

I got back to the house at 2pm and came on here, checked how MWN was doing and stuff. By 8:20pm, Rebekah came online.

[20:22:20] if love isnt a game then why are there so many players?: sorry :$

[20:22:26] The Book of Neil: Yeah :(

[20:22:34] if love isnt a game then why are there so many players?: u mad @ me?

[20:23:24] The Book of Neil: A bit, cos I was really hoping to meet you, and it cost me �10 to get there, and an hour on the train.

[20:23:39] if love isnt a game then why are there so many players?: o, i'm so so so sorry

[20:24:53] if love isnt a game then why are there so many players?: :'( i was so lookin fwrd 2 seein u

[20:25:13] The Book of Neil: yeah me to

[20:25:31] if love isnt a game then why are there so many players?: :'(

[20:26:58] if love isnt a game then why are there so many players?: may b we can try n meer anotha tym

[20:28:00] The Book of Neil: Yeah

[20:28:31] if love isnt a game then why are there so many players?: cool, well i am reli reli sorry n i hope u'll 4give me

[20:28:56] The Book of Neil: Why couldn't you come

[20:30:02] if love isnt a game then why are there so many players?: i had bin in b'pool yestaday n my mum thought i was in twn i didnt get bck til 8 n she was kinda mad cos i sed i'd b bc @ 6 so even tho i wasnt grounded (and my feet hurt cos i'd had boots on) i thought i'd best stay in her good books

[20:30:53] The Book of Neil: So you could of come but just didn't??? :S

[20:31:13] if love isnt a game then why are there so many players?: n i onil got up @ 11, so i woulnt have had tym 2 shower or nethin

That didn't really make it any better. It sounded more like she wasn't actually bothered enough to come. She apologised profusely to me while we were talking and eventually I forgave her. I'm not one to hold anything against people anyway. I said I'd still like to meet her and she said she would too, and that she'd make it up to me.

So that was my Saturday. A bit crap really.

Today hasn't exactly been the best of days either. I woke up at 1:30pm and my head felt terrible. A migraine. I got up though, since I could no longer sleep. Went to have something to eat, felt like throwing up. Lovely.

Came on here to check a few things and I saw that Liam had left me a message.

[15:16:37] LIAM: your website has taken down my server

I paniced at first. Afterall, it was the most amount of hits I've had to a website ever, and probably ever will be. I had a right to panic! Especially since it's MWN and the subject of MWN.

So I went searching for a free provider, found one, uploaded my stuff and redirected everyone to it. Thankfully, Liam says I can put my website back on his server by tomorrow, which i'm grateful for.

I've had two new applications. A girl from Manchester and a girl from London. The london girl, Alexandria has exactly the same taste in music and movies as I do. Like, perfect almost. Almost identical. She sent me lots of great songs via MSN and I think she'll probably turn into one of those people who I can talk to for ages.

Two days ago, I had 28 people on my contact list. As of right now, I have 53! I've not even talked to them all properly yet. It's hard doing so.

As for people on MSN, that brings me onto my subject - The top ten most talked to people on MSN! The winner has been offically declared and it is...Hana!. You can check out the top ten here. The results have all been reset now, since it's a new month, so it's anyone game again. In the lead currently? Have a look for yourself.
