Debbie cancelled tomorrow. Instead, tonight and "2moro where going on a piss up around mathew street!". She's going out to celebrate her GCSE results. Another disappointment for me. I was really looking forward to meeting her again. But no.

I know it's not like I can blame her for wanting to celebrate. But if someone says they want to meet, then my hopes get raised. I don't know why I bother trying to feel hopeful no more. It only ever ends in disappointment time and time again. She said she's sorry and she promises that she still wants to meet me 'sometime soon'. Joy.

I had an appointment with James today, or rather, I thought I did. I went, very reluctantly, since I was tired and not even feeling that well, only to realise my appointment was actually yesterday and I'd missed it. So I spent money on cab fare for nothing.

And so I sit here, wallowing in the depths of depression once more. It's boring for you to read, it's boring for me to live.

Laura got her GCSE results today too. B's and C's. She's going out tonight like Debbie. I'm jealous of her. I envy the fact that she stayed in school long enough to actually get good grades, whereas my school life was absolute shit as were my grades. I really wish I could relive the last 6 years of my life. Make them better somehow. If only.

I think i'm gonna go back to bed. There is no reason for me to even be awake.
